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I had an idea to make a mod that adds a shout based on the Gaster Blasters from the Sans fight in UT (Dez (Karma) Maat (Judge) Toor (Inferno)) where a Dragon Skull (Vanilla asset) would materialize in front of the player facing away from them and after a second or two it would blast a massive gout of fire out of it doing increased damage depending on the npc's level, aggression, and morality. But the only experience I have with the CK is creating new armor and weapons (Reused meshes, just modified stats) and modifying existing values on Weapons, Armor, Perks, Recipes, etc.


I'm not necessarily asking for someone to make this for me (Although that would be nice), I'm only asking for help and directions on how this would be done with the CK, I know it would most likely have to do with scripts and creating either a temporary static object and a projectile, or some sort of ACTI object. What's the best way to go about this? What script commands would I need to use to make the skull appear in front of the player and be up right but still facing the way they are looking, attatch the damage to their morality, and what command would be required for a timer so it doesn't immediately blast the fire but instead do it a second or two later?

Edited by Wolfycrash
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