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[LE] Alpha vs Beta vs Version 1.0.0?

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I have a question regarding mod version numbering. I read somewhere that alpha releases should be below 0.5.0, betas should be between 0.5.0 and 1.0.0, and the initial "non-experimental" release should be 1.0.0. What I could use some guidance on is what category my mod falls into.


I've tested all the features of my mod and they work for me. I have not had anyone else test this mod for me. I've only tested it with vanilla Skyrim, however, and don't plan on testing compatibility with other mods before the first release. I plan on adding additional features at a later point, but most of them will likely be minor with the exception of a possible MCM interface.


Maybe I'm way off, but I'd say that my mod fits either in the beta stage or could be an initial release. I'm leaning towards a beta release because I haven't had others test it yet, but some input/guidance would be appreciated.

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Release numbers are abitrary but can follow certain formats. Semantic versioning is x.x.x The first number is major version, second is minor version, and third is patch version. Alpha is used as pre-release, while usually beta means that it's still being tested. So right now I would say you're at Beta 1.0.0 because it still needs to be tested outside of you and it is the first version.

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