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Fallout 4 Render Distance


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I have a pretty decent system, I find the fallout 4 render distance pitiful. Mainly the terrain render distance. The textures go to s#*! 15 meters out and they take up shapes not even similiar to the ground that is normally there.


I have tried tweaking the normal ini file, is there a way to up render distance by tweaking the ultra.ini file?


I found these two categories I think may be helpful.


I would mess around with them myself, but I don't want to break anything that is irreparable.
Any help would be awesome!


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You can change one setting, and move render distance out significantly.


UGridsToLoad. Normally, it is 5. I run my game at 7, I tried 9, but, got artifacting, and screen tearing. (Must be an odd number.)


Two things to remember, 1. Once you change that number, and save your game, you cannot go back, without some hoop-jumping. 2. Turn it up too far, and the game will get absolutely stupid, and become instantly unplayable.


It is a geometric progression, as this setting determines how many cells load, moving outward in a square around you, and the numbers build VERY quickly, so it is very easy to bring even good hardware to it's knees. So, experiment carefully.

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