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Hi there, I'm fairly new to modding in Fallout 4, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to replace one of the default face presets for my character or create a new default slot if that's even possible, it's a face of myself which I'm hoping to replace one of the Vanilla Default Preset numbers with my own face, if I learn how to do this I'd like to make more faces, and start making mods for Fallout 4 and I'm not sure how to go about doing it, not sure I'm even asking in the right area hope so if not my apologies. Been looking all around but haven't really gotten a clear answer. I know it can't be too hard, If anyone has the time would you be willing to spare some to assist me real quick, I used to mod Skyrim quite a bit will again in the future, and I know very little of Fallout 4's CK although I'm pretty quick at picking this stuff up, only know a bit. I'm familiar with the LooksMenu mod, and Face Ripper, I want to replace the default presets though, like say 1-15 or whatever. One of them. My main reason is I'm wanting to put my face in game for my brother and nephew in their PS4 and Xbox One versions, then the face can be uploaded here as a LooksMenu Preset for PC. How would I go about doing this, to replace one of the default ones with a custom face in Creation Kit?



:sad: Please help! I know many questions often get ignored sadly on here but this information can help a lot of people that are also wondering the same, for instance google usually leads to here first and most questions have no answers. Please don't pass by and leave if you do know the answer, think of these poor people with questions as broken down cars, do you just drive by or are you gonna help give them a jump start... or a quest to help out the commonwealth. The more we all share our knowledge with others the less questions will be asked later and the better things will simply be for all of us, human life is about learning we can't progress if we never get help or answers from those that have them, so please consider stopping by to help. Thanks. :smile:







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Nevermind I figured it out for those that don't know how to, it's very simple. Just download FaceRipper, launch Creation Kit, then go to file and select data. Select Fallout 4 in the check box then continue. then type in Preset, find the one you want to change unfortunately making a new one altogether did not work for me. So click PresetMale17 or any of them as a test, rename to PresetMale18, then change it back to PresetMale17. Now there should be an asterisk *

Which means it was modified, now click up top on save don't worry it won't delete anything will only create a new ESP that overrides it when in the game, when removed it should return to the Vanilla Preset. Now name your plugin whatever you want. Cut and paste the new plugin into your Documents\my games\Fallout4\Saves, Now open FaceRipper click browse now look for your face, browse for a save your gonna use a face from. After that is done, go below to the next browse option, select the Plugin, now when finished select Transfer. Waa-lah, it should be good to go. Now it should create a new Plugin instead of overriding the existing one which now has numbers of the face slot included in the name of the ESP file, you can probably remove that if you'd like.. Also you can delete the original ESP as it's no longer needed, unless you want it for backup that's fine too. Now move the new ESP Plugin to Fallout 4's Data Folder again, enable and it should be good to go! :thumbsup: :happy:

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  • 2 years later...

Thank you for posting the instructions you figured out. I am a little stumped, though. If you don't mind, may I ask for some clarification?

You wrote, "launch Creation kit, then type in Preset and find the one you want to change."

When I launch Creation Kit, it opens with a window titled, "Object Window," and the cursor is in a field near the top left titled, "Filter." When I type, "Preset," nothing comes up in response.

I assume there is a really obvious step here that I'm missing. What is supposed to happen instead? Or rather, what am I supposed to be doing instead?


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Hi, there, I know what it's like to be left hanging here with no help or answers on these forums. Thankfully I'm not like that and I'm gonna try to help cause I just saw you replied to this thread in my email notification.


Alright, so my modding is a little rusty I'll admit, as I've been working on Fallout 4, then moved back to Skyrim, then took a long break from Bethesda games in general because I wasn't finding many answers, and moved over to Sims 4 modding.. Hopefully I can re-jog my own memory lol. :D Ok it seems I left out a vital step...


Ok, you are on the right track, launch Creation Kit for Fallout 4, then go to file and select data. Select Fallout 4 in the check box then continue. Then let it load, once everything is done loading in the object window search preset, for male or female. Like example PresetMale17. Pick the number preset you want to replace, good thing about replacing a preset is you can also upload them to consoles and let your friends use them too. Let me know if you get everything working, and if you have anymore questions let me know. :smile:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for taking so long to reply. Thank you for the explanation. It helped me get plugin versions of my mod made. I really appreciate it!


(The Creation Kit feels a little overwhelming... and intimidating... but it's pretty awesome!)

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No problem at all. Wonderful I'm happy to hear I was able to help! Glad you got it working. :happy:

If you end up having anymore questions or need help feel free to message me anytime and I can answer what I can to the best of my ability.


(I agree, it can be very overwhelming and alot of times the information on something you want to do simply just isn't online half the time lol, yes it is an awesome thing though when you get the hang of it)

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