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[LE] disable enable help

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So what im trying to figure out is if 1. Is it possible for me to create a static property and disable/enable it through script.2. If so assuming dead npcs are it what would happen to them? 3. If not whats a work around for this if ive got a enemy spawning item that spawns the mobs from a lvled actor list to that room? Im aware that using placeatme on a actor wont bloat but after killing the enemis it is slightly disturbing that the enemies wont despawn or disable delete after death. And seeing as i cant force a interior cell respawn through a objectref script im just curious what are the alternatives?
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So what im trying to figure out is if 1. Is it possible for me to create a static property and disable/enable it through script.2. If so assuming dead npcs are it what would happen to them? 3. If not whats a work around for this if ive got a enemy spawning item that spawns the mobs from a lvled actor list to that room? Im aware that using placeatme on a actor wont bloat but after killing the enemis it is slightly disturbing that the enemies wont despawn or disable delete after death. And seeing as i cant force a interior cell respawn through a objectref script im just curious what are the alternatives?

If this is part of a quest you could add this to your actors

Scriptname cleanup extends Actor  

Quest Property myQuest  Auto
ObjectReference Property myActor  Auto  

Event OnDeath (Actor akKiller)
        If MyQuest.GetStageDone(10) ;or whichever stage completes your quest
	       Utility.wait(30) ; set this for as long or short as needed so the player does
		                    ;  not witness the deletion. 


or possibly this

Scriptname RCDeadCleanup3 extends ObjectReference  

Event OnDeath (Actor akKiller)
	   Utility.wait(120) ;or however long you want	

Either one will get rid of the dead bodies.














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Okay cool although i like the 120 idea its fast and not actor specific which is perfect for a leveled list of duplicated actor bases so il be using it i think.

OK just rename the script to something unique. I used that small script for a quest I did for Raven Castle in case you or any of your users are using that mod.

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Just to let ya know my problems are all solved concerning the arena i was working on. Your script worked like a champ. Thank you for that!


Glad you got it working.
yep sure did i went the route of duplicating a bunch of non playable creatures and adding the script to them manually then adding them to a leveled actor form then opening the esp in tesvsnip and adjusting the lvled list so that the appropiate creatures spawn during lower lvls. Set the timer to 30 seconds though quick question. Will this work as seen or only run first part utility.wait(30) disable() utility.wait(5) delete()?
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