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A Resurrect Spell


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Sorry if this has been suggested before but, could someone make a spell mod that allows the player to learn a resurrect spell.

It would be an expert restoration fire and forget spell or even a concentration spell where you have to keep targeting the Dead NPC to allow the animation to complete. It would have the healing spell energy in your hand/s when you have it ready. when you cast it on a dead NPC or follower it would work similarly to the conjuration schools dead thrall spells, the reviving animation that is.

Except it would surround the target with healing light as he/she rose to his/her feet. but would be alive and well upon the animations completion and wouldn't be a dead thrall/zombie of the player but would continue on his/her way as if nothing ever happened perhaps make it so the revived NPC would say thank you or something when the reviving has completed (a simple thank you goes a long way you know).

in the case of followers they would wander around when resurrected allowing you to re enlist them as a follower. the items they had on them when they died should still be in there inventory of course.

idk i just think a spell like this would be cool, instead of using the Resurrect CC when i accidentally kill an NPC or a follower falls to my fireball spell because he just HAD to get in the way.

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