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Oh I realized I had a syntax error in the script ... was it compiling ?

This line should look like this with no " . "


"PlaceAtme MyExplosion"


But if the trigger won't act as a focal point to place the explosion ... then you can still use an Xmarker for that within the script.

Just means you have to make a separate trigger (base form)for each explosion point, each with own script and Xmarker ... and then change the scripts to look like this.



scn MyExplosion01SCRIPT ; name each script specific to 1 trigger
ref enteringObject
begin onTriggerEnter
set enteringObject to getActionRef
if (enteringObject.HasMagicEffect FlamerMagicEffect == 1)
MyXmarker01.PlaceAtme MyExplosion ; name each Xmarker specific to each trigger
Edited by Mktavish
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No , disregard the script in post 10 , and 1 big area trigger won't give you the cascade effect ... you place small trigger boxes around at each location you want an explosion to center from. About the size of the xmarker. And use that new script I posted in #22.

So the particular gastrap it is within , will set off the explosion when it has FlamerMagicEffect.

Which is how the cascade effect works for the gas traps ... a gastrap will set off the other gastraps it is in contact with.


So I noticed your gas traps have quite a bit of overlap ... which will make the cascade effect happen faster than the pinkerton video you posted , where they just appear to be barely overlapped , when looking in geck.

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I think I'm something missing, because it doesn't work. No matter how big is the trigger, the detonation didn't happen.


Now you mentioned overlap...

I tried to scale gas traps 2 times, but it seems that doesn't work - the cascade effect won't occur. I don't know why is this happening, because they're all overlapped pretty well as before. So now I ended up with 782 gas traps in this room, and believe me, it's causing a massive lag, when the cascade begins. Actually, I even barely noticed that some cascade effect is happening...

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Okies ... well in all honesty ... I've just been giving you advice from theory ...

So I'm setting up my own cell to test it out ... and get back to ya when I figure it out.


My first test was just with duplicating the triggers and placing explosions at them ... which yes is not working ... but not sure if it is because the trigger is not detecting the gas fire or because explosions can't be placed at them.

Some show message should tell me though.

And I see what you mean by it not showing a cascade effect with the gasfire. But the pinkerton video clearly shows the fire starting in back room and moving towards the player , passing through about 3,4 normal sized gas traps i think it was. And took about 1 / 1.5 seconds to happen ?

But anyways ... I'll figure it out ... even if its gona take a complicated script.


Maybe I should be setting it up and testing within the cell you are going to have it in ? What cell is it , do I have it in your latest file ?

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Well, in all honesty, I knew that... and I was really looking forward to it...


I think it's the first cause - the trigger cannot detect a gas fire.


I also can't probably see the cascade, because when it begins, it throws me on the ground, and while I'm getting up, almost all of the gas traps are triggered.


Yes, you have it in your *.esp, but it's not filled with gas traps, so it won't help you - you can pick whatever cell you want for testing.

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Well alrighty then ... I figured out some adjustments you can do that may pull off what I "think" you want ?


But I never did figure out why the "TrapGasFire01" script is not detecting , or wont issue a command placed right after the "do 5" line ...

Which by the way is just short for "DamageObject" http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=DO


So this can be done with no extracurricular scripting. Just take 3 vanilla objects and duplicate into unique IDs , then adjusting properties on them. ( I just adjusted the vanilla objects though )


#1 Find the object found here " Special Effects / Imagespace Modifier / GasTrapISFX " then duplicate/name it . And ofcourse you can do all kinds of stuff on that page ... but just go to the bottom and adjust the duration to 3.5 for starters. Click Apply & OK


#2 Find the object found here " Special Effects / Explosion / GasTrapFireBurst " then duplicate/name it . Find "IS Mod" drop down and select your new ISFX. And here you can also adjust the knock down , damage & radius .


#3 Find the object found here " World Objects / Activator / TrapGasFire01 " then duplicate/name it . Now hit "Edit Destruction Data" button ... double click on the second line in field , says 1 in the Damage Stage column . And adjust the "Self Damage Per Second" to 20 for now. And here also click the 3rd line , says 2 in the Damage Stage column .And change to your new Explosion.


#4 So save all that , then place your new TrapGasFire activator in the render screen around where you want. Just normal size placed around touching each other like floor tiles ... snap to grid 32 works fine. Save it and give that a test in game to see if the fire spread looks alright for you. Lower dmg per sec on destruction stage slows down how fast one cell sets off the next (slower cascade) Longer duration on the ISFX keeps the air space filled with fire while the chain reaction is slower , to avoid a pulsing fire effect.


#5 So after you see the ratio you want , will get a better idea of what you want to set those. But while you are there ... might as well play with putting a few different explosions on the activator. So make a new base-ID activator ... go to the Destruction tab ... And click on the 3rd line again , which is Destruction stage 2 and insert a new explosion ... which I found the "MinePlasmaExplosion" pretty handy to guage the different explosion points because its green :sick:

You can bring up one of your already placed Ref objects , and select edit base , changing ID, and selecting make new form. Then edit the destruction stage there ... but can only do it 1 time on your ref objects ... unless making another new base-ID. Otherwise would delete the original ref , and drag drop new ref.

I placed 4 new activators with the plasma explosion in the midst of 32 over all triggers. Which I didn't bother adjusting the vanilla explosion , nor ISFX


The new activators run just fine on the vanilla script , so no need to change anything there.


Hope that helps ... Just ask if something isn't clear.

Edited by Mktavish
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If I understand this correctly, the player is killed by gas trap's fire, not an explosion, right? I could simply use Vault87TrapGasFire, where the damage is set to 5000. And that's not what I'm looking for, because there must be an explosion. Or am I missing something again?


Anyway, it looks like you tested that, so if you can, please upload me your file somewhere...


BTW, you say that it's sufficient that gas traps are simply connecting each other? So they don't have to overlap...?



Alright, after some rereads I see you mention an explosion in #5... sorry, it's too much info in the single post...

So let's clarify things:


#1, #2 - understood

#3 - understood, but don't know why to set self damage per second to 20...

#4 - I'm pretty happy with vanilla behavior of the gas trap, so no need to change anything... I guess...

#5 - absolutely don't understand. I guess the new activator with that plasma explosion is the one that should kill player...?

Edited by Andyno
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The "Vault87TrapGasFire" which is an activator , and was probably just duplicated from "TrapGasFire01"

In its script where it says "do 5000" I'm guessing is just a typo mistake. Since all it does is tell the script to Damage the object that the script is attatched to ... which is the activator. And what that simply does is makes it move to destruction stage 1.

And desctruction stage one is where it tells it to start damaging itself by 50 every second (default setting)

So effectively what the Vault 87 script is doing , is making it skip that step going right to destruction stage 2 ... which is where it places the explosion of "GasTrapFireBurst" .... And this is the only thing that does damage to the player.


Hopefully that clears up what is going on ... but I will go over it again with each step I posted.


#1 This is the image space modifier that shows the visual effect , no damage adjust here ... And I'm suggesting to alter the duration it shows for (2.5 default) to 3.5 ... because when altering the self dps on destruction stage , if left the visual effect to default ... it would have a pulsing effect.


#2 This is the explosion where you can set the damage ... it is presently a default setting of 6 ... also at bottom right you can check the flag to never knock down player. But the important part to do here is set it to now use your new image space modifier , which will have a longer duration. You could just skip steps 1&2 for now ... and see what it looks like with vanilla settings.


#3 This is the activator , the object you place in the render window. But on the base-ID is where you make adjustments of the destruction stages. Therefore if they are going to be different than vanilla , or even different from one another ... you have to make a new base-ID for each variation.

Destruction stage 1 (which is second line) is where you can slow down the chain reaction ... I suggested using 20 self dps.

The destruction stage 2 (which is third line) is where you can have it place a different explosion.

But for most of the activators you are placing , you will just want it to use the "GasTrapFireBurst" ... However if you don't make a new image space modifier to make it last longer , it will give a pulsing effect , that imo didn't look good.

Now also , if you want to have say 3,4 explosions in various places ... that are different than the gas fire burst.

You need to place a new activator from a different base-ID , which you edited the explosion placed on its destruction data.


Oy~veh looks like I've probably confused the issue more with another wall of text ... But if you want me to set it up in your mod , I'll do that ... just tell me which cell that is you're showing in the pic ... and I'll match the area covered ... and put different explosions at the xmarker points.

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