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How are bsa linked to esp files?


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I like to organize my mods by hand and I like to learn.


Where is the link data inside an esp for a bsa file or does it simply link to the same name as the esp (as in will a gate.esp auto link to gate.bsa?)

I am renaming my mods to organize them and need to understand the way they link.


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They are linked by name. You can actually make an empty esp (fire up the CS, don't select anything, and just save a new esp) called "blah.esp", and if you activate it then the game will also load anything in blah.bsa and/or in any bsa whose name starts with "blah", e.g. "blah - textures.bsa", "blah - meshes.bsa", etc.


In case of conflict, i.e. two BSAs that load the same objects, the BSA whose name is alphanumerically last will take precedence. This is true regardless of the load order of the associated ESPs.

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