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FOV settings do not stick


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Did a fresh install, set up NMM, all good.


I can't get FOV settings to stick.




Same settings under [Display] in Fallout4Prefs.ini.


I've removed Fallout4/Fallout4.ini and Fallout4_Default.ini from the Fallout4 folder.


I've tried, in console:

fov 90 90

and saving.


Game uses default FOV every time it loads. I'm stumped. Would greatly appreciate any insight anyone can offer.

Edited by audiodef
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I would tell you to check if your ini files are set to *read only, but of cause you have already done and tried that.


I looked, and i can't find any more fov settings in the root that you might missed, so it seems strange, yes.

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try putting it in a Fallout4Custom.ini in the same location as the Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini (documents\fallout4)


if your ini is resetting itself to default, that could be from using the Launcher to start the game.

if you haven't already tried, create a shortcut to the Fallout4.exe on your desktop and use that to bypass the launcher so that there is no chance of that resetting changes you have made to the ini files.


I had a quick look at fov commands and these are what I found



SetCameraFOV <Third person FOV> <First person FOV>
fov <Third person FOV> <First person FOV>


notice that the second command is fCv not fOv


also, if you set the FOV in the console, DO NOT use the command refreshini afterwards as that will just load in the unedited values from before you used the fov command ;)

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