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How to get the (effective) cost of a spell?


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I'm trying to make an equivalent of the Smart Cast mod for Skyrim SE. Obviously it won't be as good as the original one. I have the main bulk of the mod implemented, but without any configuration menu, so all the spells and their conditions are hardcoded for now. Anyway, I can't figure out how much magicka to "charge" the player for each spell.

I've found this in the Spell script reference:

Int GetMagickaCost()

Returns the base magicka cost of the spell

Int GetEffectiveMagickaCost(Actor caster)

Returns the effective cost of the spell.

But both functions seem to require SKSE. Is there another way to do this with Skyrim SE?

I think I could compute it myself using the formula from here: http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Magic_Overview#Spell_Cost

But it seems like a lot of extra work...

While I'm here, I'm also looking for an alternative to GetCastTime() in Skyrim SE...

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