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I've just recently begun doing something serious about settlements. Now I wonder - what does it take to set up a settlement as allied to the Railroad? I've got a guy on the move with quite a few settlements and I'd like to connect them via a supply network. But I cannot assign any of my settlers as provisioners

Another character has become General of the Minutemen and he's sending out caravans all over the Commonwealth. Is there a difference or........??

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There really isn't any faction affiliation tied to settlements, with the exception of the BOS Feeding the Troops radial quests and obviously, Raider settlements created with the Nuka World DLC. Aligning with the Railroad will be more of an RP thing and not anything to do with game mechanics AFAIK.


Does your character have Level 1 of the Local Leader perk? You need that before you can start assigning provisioners. I think you need at least Charisma 6 for that perk to unlock, but am not sure off hand.

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Thank you RR :smile: Local Leader.......? I think so. He's level 46 and building all sorts of things. But I'll make sure to check it.


Local Leader 1 and 2. No luck. Can't even assign someone using console. I wonder if only the Minutemen are allowed to gather the troops.

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are you assigning named or unique settlers? - because that is, as i read in other forums, not possible.


and i found this:


My roommate ran into this same problem, and it seems that the Local Leader perk may be glitched for some people.


Removing the perk and readding it fixed it for her.According to her, she found the info in the FO4 wiki, and it's the following console commands in order:

player.removeperk 001d2468

player.removeperk 0004d88d

player.addperk 0004d88d

player.addperk 001d2468


Edited by maverikch
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Thank you Maverikch :) Just a generic, unnamed settler I happen across. I've tried in Sanctuary, The Castle and Tenpines. No luck. I simply do not get the "Q" prompt when I point at a settler. I can move them and assigne them to work. But no caravan. While my Minuteman General character can do everything.

Anyway - Next time I load my Railroader I'll see if those console commands might work. Thanks again :)

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I've gone a bit wild with provisioners in my second playthrough. Got them crossing all over the map. I like to dress them up with clothing from Outcasts and Remnants (pimping them out so to speak), or something easy to spot like summer shorts. I give them improved automatic weapons and a ring of low maintenance from one of my mods. Goofing around with them like that makes the whole settlement experience less tedious and more tolerable. They add some life to the empty roads.

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@snapper66: No - I don't have that mod. I think I had it at one time. But not in my present loadorder. And - again - it is only one of - for now- 2 characters that has the problem. Guess that if it was a mod both would have a problem :)

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