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Myriad Patches - A Better Locational Damage Patch Repository by Lucian04


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Being a huge fan of Better Locational Damage by ZZyxzz, I was kind of miffed that some of my favorite custom weapons didn't have patches for this wonderful modification and that the existing patches required me to download weapons that I simply did not like. Thus, Myriad Patches was born. I don't have much in the way of free time, but I do plan on keeping this updated as often as possible. If there is something that you'd like to see added to the repository, or if you have advice to give, please drop it in this topic.




Reminder: This is only a patch repository and as such, does not contain any content from any of the mods mentioned on the description page.





You can find the modification here.

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  • 2 months later...

I love your patches, and try to keep as up to date as possible with them, but I find it somewhat annoying that you hide the mod while you are updating, I feel like that is unnecessary unless you are removing a game breaking bug and don't want anyone to accidentally ruin their game. If you have a reason for this, I would appreciate it if you would shed some light on it. Thanks for the mod, and keep up the good work!

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