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What to do with Creation Club situation?


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What to do? Absolutely nothing provided the authors aren't stealing ideas and assets from our modding community.

There will always be people for and against the CC.


We have lost so many Fantastic Modders on this site over the close to 10yrs I have been coming here due to financial troubles that the CC is actually a way for those modders to come back and supplement their income while doing something they obviously love to do.


It's just too bad that Bethesda is probably digging their fingers too deeply into the money made.

From what I have seen so far (not too much actually), I have found the prices a little too ridiculous . Yes the modder needs to make money, but the price is most likely (using current business models) inflated so Bethesda can make money too like they have wanted for so long.


It is also the only way I know of to get mods to console because Sony & Microsoft won't do it any other way. Bethesda has to do it this way because they have to guarentee to Sony & MS that the mod won't hurt their product reputation.

Edited by Daremo069
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Just keep supporting places like Nexusmods and the modders directly. Avoid supporting the new industry standard of excessive micotransactions. The latest flavor of this in the industry now is the damn loot boxes :( No more leveling up or earning it via playing the game and achievements, nope... you loot it via gamble boxes.

Supporting the modder would require money to be donated.


Modders get very little for the time and effort spent making mods.


So I can see why really good modders would be enticed by the CC.

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