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Nightingale Gloves with full fingers


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  • 2 months later...

I understand that fingerless gloves are a thing even in real life, but....
they just...


either make it bracers or finish the darned fingers.

YES, i understand that thieves need to be able to use their fingertips in order to ensure a proper grip on what they are stealing (and not drop a candlestick in the middle of a heist)...

This isn't about realism.

This is about aesthetics.


I mean, realistically speaking, you would never wear full-fingered gloves as an archer or mage because those fur, elven, glass etc. gauntlets would make it harder to grip the arrow... (except with specially made grips that, if they could be made, could just as easily be applied to nightingale gloves and increase their effectiveness - after all it's harder to have a finger cut off through a glove that thick... but let's face it. nobody is making those grips or we'd already have full-fingered nightingale gloves)

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