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Dragoneye Series style mods


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now while i was on jury duty, i took two books with me both of the same series called the Dragoneye series named Eon and Eona, as i was reading i thought "You know what would be cool? If some of the stuff in this series was put into Skyrim brought to life!" Like mayber Eona's ancestress' blades for example that's a start. there are so many things most likely that could be done but it'd be hard to choose exactly which aspect to put into it ya know? and modders I understand making mods based off stuff in a book is MUCH MUCH harder than having an actual visual but bare with me here when I say this is a start of an idea.

http://eondragoneye.wikia.com/wiki/Eon:_Dragoneye_Reborn_Wiki There's the wiki with most available information Please feel free to look into it for more detailed stuff cuz It mentions NOTHIN about Kinra's blades only the Cover of Eona gives a small idea of what they'd look like. Highly recommend reading them too :) they are great books



Below this or wherever should be a visual of both covers if that's any help.

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