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Overwatch: Ana's Healing/Poison Rifle, Sleep Pistol and Wasteland Outfit


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Basically I want to play Fallout NV as if I were Ana from Overwatch


Armor/weapon Image: https://cdn.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/003/100/884/large/leticia-reinaldo-gillett-wasteland.jpg?1469674298


She has a special "Wasteland" skin and her "weapons" would make for an interesting play through.


Ana makes use of two: The unique healing rifle, and the sleep dart.

(there are also the splash grenade that heals instantly and boosts healing, and the ultimate ability that boosts the damage and fortifies who she targets. Those are not important to me, but feel free to give it a shot!)


Rifle Image: https://cbu01.alicdn.com/img/ibank/2016/380/274/3545472083_906199488.jpg


The rifle Ana uses is close to a standard sniper, having a long barrel and scope. However, the ammunition that it shoots brings a unique twist: They are darts filled with a healing or poisoning serum. This allows her to heal or weaken anyone she shoots.


I would suggest the darts be two similar ammo types only usable with the rifle itself. Craft-able at a work/reload bench. The user would use fallout nv's ammo key to switch between either healing or poison darts as they desire.

The rifle does not need any special DT penetration since it will not be the initial impact that does the healing/dmg. It is the effect that the dart applies to the target. I would prefer that the healing/dmg effects are applied overtime and not instantly, but they should still be fast and potent.


Pistol Image: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/255966002948103123/4C7D7C428DD9D0E0ADEF6E1E6A279711066A13C2/


Next is the sleep dart pistol. As you may have already guessed, it will knock targets out instantly without harm. Likely it will use a similar ammo type as the darts for the rifle, but this time the ammo will inflict enough fatigue dmg to knock out the target.

Personally, I would like to see the "sleep ammo" be usable with the rifle as well, so that one could shoot targets from afar with ease and make some hilarious situations.


That's about it. Thank you for reading and I hope this is a project that interests you!

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