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Why the heck can't I wear a crown in Fallout?


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well , maybe it's because no one wanted to make such a mod thus far......

maybe because people feel like it won't feel right in the world , maybe because people are doing other things


the point is , unless you found a mod that adds such items , there may be no such mods

you can try getting off your high horse and try making such a mod , or accept the fact that it just doesn't exist (although there are some crown mods , I found one easily through google)

and I do recall seeing another in a mod here , though not really a royal crown (more of a makeshift metal crown , like a bandit crown)


basically , don't expect anyone to make a mod for you , even though you are on the request section of the site (just see how many requests are answered here)

and if you really do a proper search , even go beyond the nexus , maybe you'll find something to fill that need of yours

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you can try getting off your high horse and try making such a mod

I'm not on any sort of 'high horse,' and i did look everywhere I could think to look. I just think adding something as simple as this wouldn't be hard for someone who knows how to make it. ie. not me because I don't know jack about making 3d models, let alone how to make them appear in the game.



I do recall seeing another in a mod here , though not really a royal crown (more of a makeshift metal crown , like a bandit crown)

If it's the one with a giant solar panel on the front then I've already seen that one... If not then it might be what I'm looking for, do you have a link?

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well , I actually found the one item I remembered

it's https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/10465-4-1459716885.jpg

from the mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10465/?


I did find another crown in a mod from a different site , which looked like the crown of Renly Baratheon , only with roses on it http://68.media.tumblr.com/6d11efc7f2f4711ba262a7f74c22db3f/tumblr_o3nkcoFBug1qzjvtmo1_1280.png

not the most fitting for a Fallout game

PM me if you want me to send you the link if you want it


on a different note , I am sorry for being a bit of an ass here . too many presumptuous requests are just thrown around this site

I guess I kinda lost myself to anger here , so I'm sorry about that :)

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