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Can't get script menu to work


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So I've been working on recreating Hopper31's Radio Reinforcements mod which you can see being used in some of Alchestbreach's videos. It's gone well so far, I just can't get the spawn menu to work.


This is the full code:

ScriptName RadioReinforcementsScript

short bKeyPressed

short iButton0
short iButton1
short iOtherMenu

Begin GameMode
	if bKeyPressed != IsKeyPressed 48 ;	B
		set bKeyPressed to IsKeyPressed 48 ;	B
		if bKeyPressed ;	Button Pressed
			ShowMessage RadioReinforcementsMenu

Begin GameMode
	set iButton0 to GetButtonPressed
	if iButton0 == -1 ;	No button pressed yet
	elseif iOtherMenu == 0 ;	First Menu
		if iButton0 == 0 ;	Unit Selection
			ShowMessage RadioReinforcementsUnitMenu
			set iOtherMenu to 1
		elseif iButton0 == 1 ;	Close
			;	Close the menu
	elseif iOtherMenu == 1 ;	Second Menu
		set iButton1 to GetButtonPressed
		if iButton == -1
		elseif iButton1 == 0 ;	1 Unit
			player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 1
			set iOtherMenu to 0
		elseif iButton1 == 1 ;	2 Units
			player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 2
			set iOtherMenu to 0
		elseif iButton1 == 2 ;	3 Units
			player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 3
			set iOtherMenu to 0
		elseif iButton1 == 3 ;	4 Units
			player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 4
			set iOtherMenu to 0
		elseif iButton1 == 4 ;	5 Units
			player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 5
			set iOtherMenu to 0
		elseif iButton1 == 5 ;	6 Units
			player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 6
			set iOtherMenu to 0
		elseif iButton1 == 6 ;	7 Units
			player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 7
			set iOtherMenu to 0
		elseif iButton1 == 7 ;	8 Units
			player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 8
			set iOtherMenu to 0

This whole section works just fine:

Begin GameMode
	if bKeyPressed != IsKeyPressed 48 ;	B
		set bKeyPressed to IsKeyPressed 48 ;	B
		if bKeyPressed ;	Button Pressed
			ShowMessage RadioReinforcementsMenu

Begin GameMode
	set iButton0 to GetButtonPressed
	if iButton0 == -1 ;	No button pressed yet
	elseif iOtherMenu == 0 ;	First Menu
		if iButton0 == 0 ;	Unit Selection
			ShowMessage RadioReinforcementsUnitMenu
			set iOtherMenu to 1
		elseif iButton0 == 1 ;	Close
			;	Close the menu

and clicking 'Unit Selection' takes you to the second menu, but none of the buttons in the second menu actually do anything and upon opening the first menu a second time and clicking 'Unit Selection', nothing happens. Any help, or even some examples, would be greatly appreciated because I have no idea what's going wrong.

Edited by Sabovich
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After pressing the button stored in iButton0 in iOtherMenu 0, you're taken to iOtherMenu1. The button you're pressing there, stored in Button1, isn't detected because the value in Button0 has been reset when you clicked that, blocking the rest of the script.

There's no point in operating two vars to store the buttonpress in. You should also avoid having 2 of the same blocktypes in a single script, and probably work in some safety so that people pressing the key too long aren't persented with multiple versions of the same menu.



int bKeyPressed
int iButton
int iGo
int iOtherMenu

Begin GameMode

if bKeyPressed != IsKeyPressed 48 ;	B
	set bKeyPressed to IsKeyPressed 48 ;	B
	if bKeyPressed ;	Button Pressed
		set iGo to 1
		ShowMessage RadioReinforcementsMenu

if iGo
	set bKeyPressed to 0

set iButton to GetButtonPressed
if iButton == -1 ;	No button pressed yet
elseif iOtherMenu == 0 && iButton == 0;	First Menu
	set iOtherMenu to 1
	ShowMessage RadioReinforcementsUnitMenu
elseif iOtherMenu == 1 ;	Second Menu
	set iOtherMenu to 0
	if iButton == 0 ;	1 Unit
		player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 1
	elseif iButton == 1 ;	2 Units
		player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 2
	elseif iButton == 2 ;	3 Units
		player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 3
	elseif iButton == 3 ;	4 Units
		player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 4
	elseif iButton == 4 ;	5 Units
		player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 5
	elseif iButton == 5 ;	6 Units
		player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 6
	elseif iButton == 6 ;	7 Units
		player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 7
	elseif iButton == 7 ;	8 Units
		player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 8
set iGo to 0

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After pressing the button stored in iButton0 in iOtherMenu 0, you're taken to iOtherMenu1. The button you're pressing there, stored in Button1, isn't detected because the value in Button0 has been reset when you clicked that, blocking the rest of the script.

There's no point in operating two vars to store the buttonpress in. You should also avoid having 2 of the same blocktypes in a single script, and probably work in some safety so that people pressing the key too long aren't persented with multiple versions of the same menu.



int bKeyPressed
int iButton
int iGo
int iOtherMenu

Begin GameMode

if bKeyPressed != IsKeyPressed 48 ;	B
	set bKeyPressed to IsKeyPressed 48 ;	B
	if bKeyPressed ;	Button Pressed
		set iGo to 1
		ShowMessage RadioReinforcementsMenu

if iGo
	set bKeyPressed to 0

set iButton to GetButtonPressed
if iButton == -1 ;	No button pressed yet
elseif iOtherMenu == 0 && iButton == 0;	First Menu
	set iOtherMenu to 1
	ShowMessage RadioReinforcementsUnitMenu
elseif iOtherMenu == 1 ;	Second Menu
	set iOtherMenu to 0
	if iButton == 0 ;	1 Unit
		player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 1
	elseif iButton == 1 ;	2 Units
		player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 2
	elseif iButton == 2 ;	3 Units
		player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 3
	elseif iButton == 3 ;	4 Units
		player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 4
	elseif iButton == 4 ;	5 Units
		player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 5
	elseif iButton == 5 ;	6 Units
		player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 6
	elseif iButton == 6 ;	7 Units
		player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 7
	elseif iButton == 7 ;	8 Units
		player.PlaceAtMe RadioSpawnerAlly 8
set iGo to 0



This worked perfectly! I managed to get it working by just using 1 menu but at least now I know how to get 2 to work together, thank you so much!

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