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More Animations for Origin-Specific Events


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After seeing this post:



It made me think of all the other origin-specific events like these - Reuniting with Rica, Reuniting with Jowan, Reuniting with Shianni/Soris/Cyrion, having to kill Leske, Having to kill Tamlen, +more that would benefit from extra animations like hugs, crying, etc.


Sort of like the additional better death for Arl Howe, that gives more closure and detail for the Cousland origins. Something like that that could cover the various different origins and add more life and connection into them, because I'm sure many Tabris's would have 100% hugged their family when returning to the alienage, and many Brosca's would be torn up over having to kill Leske.


So this would be an animation mod, like the romance scene animation mods or again the Arl Howe death mod, that make these scenes feel more realistic and emotional.


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