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What really is a NAVMESH


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As a noob at this I can only tell you what I've seen first hand, that the Navmesh defines where the npcs can go. I made a custom location way back with no navmesh and spawned in some enemies to try and their AI didn't work. They looked angry but couldn't attack me because they didn't know how or couldn't. I've also seen it blocked before me. I use a mod that adds trees to Whiterun without any navmesh edit so the trees aren't registered. It makes the npcs confused, or maybe not confused but it makes them stubborn. They keep walking towards this one tree until they pop up first inside the tree and then on the other side. First after ending up on the other side they can go to where they want.


No idea what happens to a door though but I would assume that they just can't go to the door. But nothing is blocked for the player as far as I know, cause if I bring up that interior I made again; I could attack the npcs no problem if I remember correctly.

Edited by Niborino9409
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The Eyes of NPC telling them were they can & can't go. Navigation Mesh. If the Map doesn't link they can't cross it, If the map goes under an Object they bump into it. If a ledge has a Jump Here they jump down, else they go the long way around, etc, etc. Any thing that tells the Game Engine to, do Two Different things at once, will cause a CTD, it not Exclusive to NavMesh.

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OK. Thanks all that was really helpful. So if you would be so nice,


[REFR:0007C3DF] (places RiftenDoorLoad01 Door [DOOR:0004D6ED] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00016BE0] (in RiftenWorld "Riften" [WRLD:00016BB4]) at 42,-25)
REFR \ XNDP - Navigation Door Link \ Teleport Marker Triangle -> <Warning: Navmesh triangle not found in "[NAVM:000F7E94] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of RiftenCitySouth [CELL:00042245] (in RiftenWorld "Riften" [WRLD:00016BB4] at 42,-25))">


Im guessing this kind of navmesh error would mean that any NPC other than the player would be unable to access or enter/exit the door.

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Ask your question in its entirety instead taking it apart and ask about bits and pieces of it and we might be able to better help you.


For example, you could start with a mention of "Palace and Castles Enhanced."

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Only reason I took it apart was because the original question was pretty hard to answer unless you could read the mod author's thoughts. That's why I decided to learn about navmeshes myself and just try and figure it out. With all due respect I don't think anyone on the forums will be able to solve my original problem anytime soon as people are asking the same questions on the mod thread and it has yet to be answered after 2 weeks. :)

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I'm not sure it can cause a CTD but why not sneezing to close to the computer can cause a CTD on a beth game. by define are you asking how to replace it or just what is the meaning.


if you deleted part of a mesh then you already know, basically how to replace it. as to what it is, it tells the NPCs where they can walk. I'm sure there is a more complicated def with all kinds of fancy terms and acronyms.


with out it, NPcs can not use doors into interior spaces etc..

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Sigh honestly guys I just hate seeing errors in xedit when I click "check for errors". :) As to whether the navmesh conflict crashes the game the answer is no. At least now with your help I know a navmesh is mostly for NPC navigation and that makes me care a bit less about the errors.


I actually stood around in Castledour for a while to see if any NPC would use the door but no one did. Although no one even went near the door to be honest. So at this point I'm just gonna ignore it.


THanks all for your generous help.

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