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F4SE Issue (missing something?)


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[sOLVED]So I was recently trying to get back into Fallout 4 but when I hit play there was an update for F4SE, understandable, however once id downloaded and installed the update whenever f4se_loader.exe is ran (run, ran?) it comes up in the usual CMD box then just vanishes again and nothing happens, am I missing some kind of installation step? I just let the installer download the files into the game and used NMM custom startup with its file path to start it (have tried just clicking the exe instead as well, same results) so any ideas? Is this a common issue? I couldn't find anyone else with this issue but hey I generally get quicker and better results through posts regardless.

MY load order as 46 mods but can run through Fallout 4.exe so the mods work fine it just seems to be F4SE that doesnt work properly If i really need to I'll post the load order but hopefull it won't come to me looking left then right then left etc while copying down all of the mod names xD

I'll get a video up with what happens asap as well.


EDIT: So I am indeed a moron it does work its just quicker than before...

Edited by Littlepanda115
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