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FOMM Crash


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This feature has not worked in years, but just hasn't been disabled in the most recent updates. It is well documented in the comments section of the download page.
Solution: Open FOMM, go to "Settings" and disable (uncheck) the box for "Check for new FOMod Version". This will prevent the login screen in FOMM from showing.



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The "missing master" from your "load order" is completely separate from the FOMM crash. Be aware that one error may mask a number of other errors, which will not appear until those masking them have been resolved. Building a stable game consists of resolving each problem individually until none remain, and then realizing that every change you make thereafter (including updates to mods already installed) run the risk of introducing new problems. Be prepared to revert to a previous save if you do so.

Move any "inactive" plugins out of the game "Data" folder. They count against the "plugin cap" because they get loaded by the game engine if found, and can cause "Missing Master" problems. Please see the wiki "Missing Masters" article if you get that error message.


We REALLY need to see your sorted "load order" as produced by LOOT; to include the main game and DLC files. With modded games, its the sequence, not merely the list of mods, which is the cause of many problems. LOOT's sort gives a good first approximation, correcting the most obvious issues and is sufficient for most players. Instructions are in the "How to ask for help" article, and "Checklist Item #11' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


Also suggest you see the 'Vanilla "Load Order"', 'Towards Game Stability', 'Third Rule: The Rule of One', 'Smaller Plugin Cap', and 'Merge Patch file' sections of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article at a minimum.


Edited by dubiousintent
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