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If you do the BoS ending, Liberty Prime will walk outside Boston Airport after the attack on the Institute is done. If you do the Minutemen route, you have the Beryllic Agitator, but can't use it. I wonder if it would be possible to make it so that if BoS is still intact after the endgame (like a variant of the Minutemen route), you could insert the Agitator and activate Prime to exit the hangar and walk outside Boston Airport, instead of having him stand there as a statue at the airport forever more? In the Creation Kit, I have located a invisible quest that seems to control Liberty Primes activation and march during Ad Victoriam, DNPrime_BoS304. Maybe a modified copy could do the trick?


That alone would be nice, but another idea is, that in a game where Liberty Prime has been fully activated, you could use the terminals in the hangar to send him to different places on "missions". You could watch him wander to a location and back to the airport, killing every enemy that crosses his path with impunity. The function would be made up of "walk there and back" instructions.

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  • 1 month later...

YES! Yes i want this i was going here to request this and you nailed it! I hope some modder can find a way to do this! :tongue:

in he mean time i use this i guess :/ https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15446

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