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Okay so, I've looked for quite sometime but I couldn't find this idea made a reality.

my basic thought is fairly simple in idea: when you hover over an item with your cross hair a little pop up like window would show the items stats, like damage, accuracy, and weight, without actually needing to pick up the sodding thing. this could also use the standard + and - system for a quick comparison of currently equipped gear. I would assume something of this nature should be possible with HUDframework.

I think a good reference for this is the way the 2005 game; Condemned: criminal origins did it, if anyone is familiar with said game.

I had this idea when I was looking at my wall o' weapons and couldn't tell which ones I should take with me on my little murderthon across the commonwealth, since collecting weapons and armor is sort of an in-game hobby, It's sometimes hard to keep track of them all with out taking them off the rack and putting them back on.

If this has been done, I am sorry, and would be thankful for any assistance.

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