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Buddy Behind Bar


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I've seen people complaining about not being able have buddy behind a bar. It's easy to do using console commands, but was wondering if someone would like to do it programmatically?


This is how I do it using the console:

1. I build a three sided box room

2. place a bar across the open wall side (closing off his escape)

3. place a floor covering behind the bar

4. open console, click on mat and note ref

5. find buddy

6. open console

7. click on buddy

8. type console command "moveto refid"

9. close console

10. voila, buddy behind bar permanently.


He tries to get out at first, but then gives up the ghost. He isn't assigned to the bar, but he still happily tells his jokes and sells his grog.


The idea I think, would be to build a mat, attach a script that when the mat is clicked live it teleports buddy to the mat. Perhaps the extra step and build a Buddy Bar. I'll leave it to you smart people -smile-

Picture: https://photos.app.goo.gl/9fg937eGTGL7gjos1

Edited by subtle54
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