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[LE] Understanding Level List Globals


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I can't find anywhere listing all the globals and what they mean/do. I'm trying to put a condition on Glover Mallory selling an item only if you're a member of the thieves guild. The only easy way I can think of is by putting the item in a lvl list and attaching a global to determine if your a member or have done something for the thieves guild. But I can't create what I want since I can't tell what the globals do; they're far too abstract.

Is there a list somewhere explaining what each one does? Seems like someone should have compiled a list by now after 6 years of Skyrim modding...


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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A global is a form visible in the Creation Kit which is used to store either an integer or a float (under the hood the value is always a float). It can have its value compared to a known value in a condition statement on a variety of other records. It can also be modified in script.


In the case of a leveled list, the global is used for the percent chance that the list will not provide an item. i.e. a value of 0 means that there will always be an item. a value of 100 means that there will not be an item.


If you are using a global on a leveled list and you want the item to only appear after a specific thing happened, you assign a value of 100 to the global initially. Then when the thing happens, change the value to 0 so that the next time the leveled list is used the item will be made available.


FYI - I have not worked with leveled lists, the above is simply derived from the information provided on the CK wiki.

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So basically what it's saying is I have to reference it from a script, so that when for example I become a member of the thieves guild, the script will change the chance from 100 to 0? I was looking at how the merchant chests in the College worked, so basically the spells are unobtainable (set to chance none 100) until the player reaches level 75 magic school. The global is "PCDestructionExpert", these make sense to me. But most the other globals aren't straightforward. I guess I'll just choose the most "clear" global to do with the thieves guild and hope for the best haha.

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