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Fed Up w/ Skyrim CTD TMP Save Bug


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I used to love playing Skyrim, but I had only ever played it on the XBox 360. When I saw the awesome things one could do with mods, I decided I wanted to buy Skyrim on Steam and play it on my laptop. My husband bought it for me for Christmas and me, completely inexperienced with modding and the problems that occur, starting adding mods. Long story short, I now know how to update things, I now use LOOT and GenerateFNIS every time I add/remove/update mods, etc. Still, I am not very tech savvy and there are plenty of things I am not familiar with/don't understand.

But there's one problem that has angered me to no end, with no solution in sight.

Quite a while ago (not sure how long, or what exactly may have started this) I began having a problem where, after playing the game for so long (usually I'd be at least level 30), I'd go to save and immediately upon clicking "save" my game would crash to desktop. I could not figure out how to fix the problem and would lose characters that I had put a lot of time and effort into (especially since I take great care customizing the appearance and trying to roleplay as much as possible).

Once, someone suggested that it was something called "save bloat" causing the problems, even though the Unofficial Skyrim patch is supposed prevent this. The aforementioned person suggested going into Skyrim, opening up the save menu, alt+tabbing out, going into the Skyrim Saves folder, and moving all saves to another folder so that the game would no longer recognize those saves and I could make a brand new save 1. This kinda works. Most of the time, I can get one or two saves in before the problem happens again. So I'm still at a loss.

Once I made sure to get rid of any mods that didn't come from Nexus, made sure all my mods were updated, and ran GenerateFNIS and LOOT, as well as removing some mods I wasn't dying to have, things seemed to get better.

One person suggested getting the Alternate Start Live Another Life mod, which I did. One person suggested using TES5Edit, but others have said not to because it can seriously screw things up. So I haven't used it. I believe I downloaded it, but I couldn't figure out how to use it anyway.

Anyway, for quite some time now, the problem hasn't happened. I was still getting crashes to desktop fairly often, but not on saves and I would usually be fine upon restarting. However, the other day, after updating the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch (or USLEEP), the very next time I tried to save the problem happened again. I should note that I did not make any mod changes while the game was running and I made sure to run LOOT an GenerateFNIS after updating AND checked to make sure the load order was as the modder suggested it should be. Everything appeared to be in order.

Upon going into the Skyrim>Saves folder I discovered that there was indeed a file for the save I tried to make, but instead of saving as an .ess or an .skse file, the stupid thing was a .tmp file. I have not tried changing it to another kind of file, as I do not know how, but I've read in various other threads that doing so only causes MORE problems. Whether or not USLEEP is the cause, I am unsure. Another thing I should mention is that I don't have any special houses like Elisdriel or Proudspire Manor or anything like that. All I know is the problem seemed to have stopped, then upon updating USLEEP it started again.

It should also be mentioned that, when I received the Skyrim Special Edition for free (due to already having regular Skyrim) it would not play at all. It just will not work with or without mods. But that's a small matter compared to the faulty saves.

I am beyond livid at this point. Nobody has apparently offered a real solution to the problem and I know I'm not the only one who is at the point of not wanting to play the game anymore due to not being able to save. Beginning to wonder how Bethesda isn't losing money since their game is so full of bugs. You can't play a game like Skyrim and NOT save. Also, per suggestion, I disabled all forms of autosave.

I. Want. A. Solution. I'm sick and tired of this problem being ignored. Someone needs to be a professional and do something to fix the problem. I'm tired of trying to be patient and nice about this. This has gone beyond ridiculous.

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I'm wondering how many mods you are running. I had a problem where my saves CTD:d my game as well. I had to start anew. You sound aware of it but just for the record, don't remove mods on a save you play on. Don't do it at all unless you plan on starting over. That's probably the safest bet here. Never heard about that tmp error though.

Edited by Niborino9409
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edit: try this


most problems with crashing and the like have to do with conflicting game records in plugins, assuming you have a good foundation to mod on including cleaned masters and skse/crash fixes/enboost installed and configured properly. it's not that nobody WILL help you, it's just that the likelihood of someone reading your thread who had the exact same 2 mods conflicting in the same order in the past is pretty slim. whoever told you that you can break the game with tes5edit was right. you can also drill through your hand, and yet people still use drills to make holes in things. the only way to have a crash-free game is to look through your game records and manually patch and order your plugin list. if i ran loot i'd wind up with an impossible mess on my hands that would take an entire day (at least) to fix.

Edited by ymf331
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i had a similar problem, and found out that SKSE was preventing me from saving for some reason, i reinstalled everything. all of my mods, skyrim, and skse, at first it didn't work but it started working again about 3 months ago, the only thing i could think of was that i needed to update skse and limit the amount of mods i used, i have had problems still but at least i whent back to being able to save lol

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I. Want. A. Solution. I'm sick and tired of this problem being ignored. Someone needs to be a professional and do something to fix the problem. I'm tired of trying to be patient and nice about this. This has gone beyond ridiculous.


And that someone is you. You mod it, you deal with it when it breaks.


General tips for a stable game:

- add/remove mods BEFORE you start on a serious playthrough. Use some throwaway test characters. Test thoroughly.

- read mod descriptions carefully and follow the instructions given.

- once you have a nice set of mods you want to run with, STICK WITH IT. Don't go adding and removing mods mid-playthrough unless they are simple texture replacements or something. You will break your save, often in ways that will only become apparent later in the game.

- invest time in understanding LOOT, tes5edit, and wrye bash. Each plays a role in setting up a good mod list and any time invested will be repaid by a enjoyable mostly stable game.

- don't touch ini settings you don't fully understand the implications of.

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I offered help, but OP didn't reply. The only thing I can do now is serve up a big helping of the usual:

  • Make sure you have the SKSE Memory Patch set up.
  • Install Crash Fixes and be sure to read the description.
  • Install Bug Fixes. Not absolutely required, but it has some nice fixes that aren't covered by USLEEP.
  • Install Load Game CTD Fix. It fixes a thread race condition when loading save games.
  • ENBoost - This gives you the memory management features of ENB without the visual effects processing. Not needed if you run an ENB.
  • If you still have issues, you can monitor your stats with Skyrim Performance Monitor.
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Here are the mods I have. Not sure why it requires a spoiler tag, but okay. I'm going by what it says on my Nexus Mod Manager. I've already deleted quite a few mods to try to fix things, so this is what I really wanted to keep and the mods that were supposedly required to make the mods I want work. I don't know squat about how most of this works. I've tried to wrap my head around it, but I'm not very tech savvy and find much of this difficult to understand. I was just told to get LOOT and FNIS and run those every time I update/add/remove mods. Outside of that, I'm not sure what order anything should be in. I don't make or design mods or anything like that and I doubt I could if I tried. I'm also using the laptop that was bought forme when I went to college in 2011; it's old, falling apart and I have to have the graphics for Skyrim set on the recommended settings (the lowest settings) for the game to work without chugging horribly. Thank you to those of you who are trying to help without making rude comments.





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Here's the list of my plugins according NMM in the order that they appear to load in:















Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp








more plants all extra.esp








Run For Your Lives.esp




Tame Beast.esp




















LeftHandRings - Dawnguard.esp




Radiant Raiment Wedding Clothes.esp


Marriable Serana.esp






Marriable Serana HF.esp


A Simple Marriage Mod.esp








Athletic Jump.esp




weightless item sorting hearthfire.esp




Weightless Useless Items.esp
















WetandCold - Ashes.esp


dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp


KS Hairdo's.esp






Immersive Weapons.esp


Males of Skyrim.esp








Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp

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Please post your plugins list, mods list, Skyrim.ini, SkyrimPrefs.ini and enblocal.ini (if you have one). Please also use

tags for them. Are you using NMM or Mod Organizer? Also, what are your system specs?

I've posted my mods and plugins list. My internet sucks so it took me awhile to be able to reply. I have no idea what you mean by "SkyrimPrefs.ini" and "enblocal.ini"; I don't know what those are. I hope I did the spoiler tag right, but I'm not sure. I'm using NMM. Umm...how do I figure out my system specs? I have no idea what exactly that entails.

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