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Completely Unnecessary details


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I watched this video, and after it was over i got to thinking, theres a lot of completely unnecessary details in this game. Like in diamond city for instance. when you are in the city, the surrounding city scape and land and water roads and whatnot are still being rendered even though some of the smaller buildings that YOU WILL NEVER SEE when inside Diamond city under normal gameplay is being rendered still, although it's really low poly but still.


I think the game shouldn't have to render these things at all. they shouldn't exist when you are inside the city. the taller buildings that tower over diamond city are okay naturally. These buildings should be the only thing visible and being rendered by the game engine when inside the city. i'd think this would help increase FPS by a whole lot.


And at the start of the game when the bombs fall, is it really necessary that the roads be etched into the land like that? idk seems like a waste of time adding that kind of detail when you can't even see it. The distant buildings are okay naturally, but those roads why are they there? perhaps to help with road layout during the main maps creation? idk. but the game is complete now, these details don't need to be there.


Infact most of the land that you can't see during this sequence is a complete waste of memory as well. if you can't see it at all it really shouldn't be there. it would save on memory or improve fps maybe.


Could someone make a mod that fixes this? remove all this unnecessary detail from the game. it would help people with lower end pc's perhaps and it's not like it'll hurt super high end players because they can't see those details anyways. ...??? O_o

Edited by Swordsguy2010
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