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[LE] Skyrim Classic: need help getting armor enchants to scale


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Hi all,


This is my first post in these forums, hopefully it's okay to put here!


I'm having a bit of trouble with a mod. I'm trying to make a few custom enchantments for Skyrim Classic (actually working on a patch/expansion for Enchanting Awakened), but I'm having trouble getting the armor enchantments to scale. Strangely enough, the weapon enchantments I made work fine. However, the armor enchantments have the same magnitude regardless of skill, perks, or soul gems used.


For completeness, I'm trying to make three armor enchantments: one that increases weapon swing speed, one that increases experience gained, and one that bypasses a portion of the opponent's armor.


I managed to get the weapon speed MGEF working, but even with the "Power affects magnitude" flag, it's always the same %. I confirmed this with the console. Interestingly, it always seems to be double the base magnitude when I enchant it onto another item.


For the other two enchantments, I had to use the MGEF to apply a perk to get the desired effect, though that doesn't scale naturally. I looked inside the Wintermyst mod, and tried using the same method used there for the Increased Experience enchant - using the MGEF as a Value Modifier to an unused (by my understanding) actor value ("Restoration Skill Advance" in this case), and then using the "Add Actor Value Mult" function in the added perk to apply scaling. However, when I tested this, the enchanted items don't seem to change the AV or apply the perk. Even stranger, the perk didn't affect my skill gain even when I modded the AV and added the perk manually through the console.


So, here are my problems/questions:


* How can I make an armor enchantment scale properly? I'm sure there's something simple that I'm missing, but I have no idea what it is.

* The armor enchants I make don't seem to be applying the perk listed in the associated MGEF record (tested with 'player.hasperk' in the console). How can I make it add the perk when I equip the item?

* Is it possible to make an enchantment scale when the effect must be applied through a perk, rather than a MGEF? As far as I'm aware there's no way to use the MGEF record directly to apply increased skill gain or armor piercing. Are the "___SkillAdvance" actor values truly unused now, and can they be used they way I'm trying to use them? Or are they soomehow broken?


I'm also using tes5edit, btw.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for helping me up my modding skills all. :smile:


EDIT: Well, oddly enough, the armor piercing perk seems to work if I apply it manually and change the relevant AV via console. The MGEF itself though still isn't doing either of those, like it should. I'm at a loss. :(

Edited by Paulicus1
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Those xxxSkillAdvance codes - they are accessible but return or modify nothing. Or at least I personally have not been able to do anything with them. I'm thinking they do not work as scripting functions or once were before the game went live.

Edited by Rasikko
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Is it possible to add new actor values? I just need something to use to make a perk effect scale.


I still can't get the weapon speed MGEF to scale though, even though the record looks perfectly fine. And that doesn't require any messing with actor values and perk effects.

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