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Special Linked Containers for Settlements?


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So, lately I got back into playing Far Cry 3 and something I would like is linked containers that can be built in the settlements so it would simulate the automated trade post in the outposts (without the bartering part). What I'm suggesting is to able to drop weapons, armor, items, etc into the container in Sanctuary and able to access that same linked inventory in Sunshine Tidings. This would be awesome for people who would like to challenge themselves to carry a limited number of weapons but want to be able to swap them at 'safe houses' in settlements.

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There are so many mods out there, it's impossible to keep track of them all. I've done 5 complete playthroughs and started modding after my 4th. I'm on a new one but am hoping for Vortex to be out before I get too heavy into it. I spend a lot of time looking at different mods, and some if you don't have an exact name will not show. I enjoy helping find things. Your acknowledgement is appreciated.

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