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Fallout 4 Creepy Crawlies and Crustacean Replacement Mod


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I have a honest confession: I have crippling fear of arthropods (Insects, arachnids, crustaceans, ect.) .

This makes games like Fallout very hard to approach. Currently, I'm skating around the problem by using the Zombie Walkers mod by joefor.

While it does the job well, It does suck a lot of life out of the game when it's narrowed down to four enemy variants (Ferals, Humans, Super Mutants, and Robots).


While I currently (and probably never will) do not have the time to create a solution myself, I decided it couldn't hurt to ask if someone could create a replacement mod for me to spice up the variety in the game.


Note: My primary concern are the model replacement and stats. If you should have trouble getting the replaced creature to have proper loot or what have you, then skip over it. Additional notes that regard re-skins are completely optional and not required. The same goes for a 'fail-safe' version of a creature should something break.


Thank you for your time.


I mapped out the replacements in a rather lengthy list below:


Radroaches (Replaced by Rad-Rats)

Radroach: Replaced by Standard Rad-Rat
Name: Rad-Rat
Stats: Same as vanilla Radroach
Loot: Same as vanilla Radroach

Glowing Radroach: Replaced by Infected Rad-Rat
Name: Infected Rad-Rat
Stats: Same as vanilla Glowing Radroach
Loot: Same as vanilla Glowing Radroach
(Note: If you want to make these guys glow green so they fit the name better it is up to you.)

Legendary Radroach: Replaced by Plagued Rad-Rat
Name: Plauged Rad-Rat
Stats: Same as vanilla Legendary Radroach
Loot: Same as vanilla Legendary Radroach
Bloatflies (Replaced by Feral Ghouls)

Bloatfly: Replaced by Rotting Feral Ghoul
Name: Bloated Feral Ghoul
Stats: Same as vanilla Bloatfly
Loot: Same as vanilla Bloatfly

Black Bloatfly: Replaced by Charred Feral Ghoul
Name: Bloated Ashen Feral Ghoul
Stats: Same as vanilla Black Bloatfly
Loot: Same as vanilla Black Bloatfly

Festering Bloatfly: Replaced by Gangrenous Feral Ghoul
Name: Bloated Festering Ghoul
Stats: Same as vanilla Festering Bloatfly
Loot: Same as vanilla Festering Bloatfly

Glowing Bloatfly: Replaced by Bloated Glowing One
Name: Bloated Glowing One
Stats: Same as vanilla Glowing Bloatfly
Loot: Same as vanilla Glowing Bloatfly
Bloodbugs (Replaced by Feral Ghouls)
(Note: Giving all of these Ghouls glowing red eyes would be a nice touch. Optional.)

Bloodbug Hatchling: Replaced by Pink Feral Ghoul
Name: Blood-Starved Young Feral Ghoul
Stats: Same as vanilla Bloodbug Hatchling
Loot: Same as vanilla Bloodbug Hatchling

Bloodbug: Replaced by Withered Feral Ghoul
Name: Blood-Starved Feral Ghoul
Stats: Same as vanilla Bloodbug
Loot: Same as vanilla Bloodbug

Red Widow Bloodbug: Replaced by Withered Feral Ghoul
Name: Bloodletting Feral Ghoul
Stats: Same as vanilla Red Widow Bloodbug
Loot: Same as vanilla Red Widow Bloodbug
(Note: It would be cool to give this variant a slightly more reddish skin. Optional.)

Infected Bloodbug: Replaced by Gangrenous Feral Ghoul
Name: Blood-Tainted Feral Ghoul
Stats: Same as vanilla Infected Bloodbug
Loot: Same as vanilla Infected Bloodbug
(Note: Like above, expect making this one a more greenish shade. Optional.)

Glowing Bloodbug: Replaced by Putrid Glowing One
Name: Glowing Blood-Starved Feral Ghoul
Stats: Same as vanilla Glowing Bloodbug
Loot: Same as vanilla Glowing Bloodbug

Vampiric Bloodbug: Replaced by Withered Feral Ghoul
Name: Blood-Crazed Feral Ghoul
Stats: Same as vanilla Vampiric Bloodbug
Loot: Same as vanilla Vampiric Bloodbug
Radscorpions (Replaced by Mole Rats)
(Note: Mole Rats are the only other enemy that I know of that share the burrow mechanic of the Radscorpion, so it seemed a fitting replacement)

Radscorpion: Replaced by standard Mole Rat
Name: Invading Mole Rat
Stats: Same as vanilla Radscorpion
Loot: Same as vanilla Radscorpion

Radscorpion Hunter: Replaced by standard Mole Rat
Name: Invading Mole Rat Hunter
Stats: Same as vanilla Radscorpion Hunter
Loot: Same as vanilla Radscorpion Hunter

Glowing Radscorpion: Replaced by Glowing Mole Rat
Name: Invading Glowing Mole Rat
Stats: Same as vanilla Glowing Radscorpion
Loot: Same as vanilla Glowing Radscorpion

Albino Radscorpion: Replaced by Standard Mole Rat
Name: Invading Albino Mole Rat
Stats: Same as vanilla Albino Radscorpion
Loot: Same as vanilla Albino Radscorpion
(Note: Give these guys white skin and red eyes to fit the name. Optional.)

Radscorpion Stalker: Replaced by standard Mole Rat
Name: Invading Stalking Mole Rat
Stats: Same as vanilla Radscorpion Stalker
Loot: Same as vanilla Radscorpion Stalker

Radscorpion Predator: Replaced by standard Mole Rat
Name: Invading Predatory Mole Rat
Stats: Same as vanilla Radscorpion Predato
Loot: Same as vanilla Radscorpion Predato

Deathskull Radscorpion: Replaced by Mole Rat Broodmother
Name: Invading Brooding Mole Rat
Stats: Same as vanilla Deathskull Radscorpion
Loot: Same as vanilla Deathskull Radscorpion
Stingwings (Replaced by Wolves)
(Note: These guys should apply poison effect on hits.)

Stingwing: Replaced by Feral Wolf
Name: Plagued Feral Wolf
Stats: Same as vanilla Stingwing
Loot: Same as vanilla Stingwing

Stingwing Darter: Replaced by Rabid Wolf
Name: Plagued Rabid Wolf
Stats: Same as vanilla Stingwing Darter
Loot: Same as vanilla Stingwing Darter

Stingwing Skimmer: Replaced by Vicious Wolf
Name: Plagued Vicious Wolf
Stats: Same as vanilla Stingwing Skimmer
Loot: Same as vanilla Stingwing Skimmer

Glowing Stingwing: Replaced by Glowing Wolf
Name: Plagued Glowing Wolf
Stats: Same as vanilla Glowing Stingwing
Loot: Same as vanilla Glowing Stingwing

Stingwing Chaser: Replaced by Grey Wolf
Name: Plagued Grey Wolf
Stats: Same as vanilla Stingwing Chaser
Loot: Same as vanilla Stingwing Chaser
Mirelurks (Replaced by Gulpers and Anglers)
(Note: I don't think it's even possible to replace the Mirelurk Hatchlings - It's fine to leave those guys alone. Do not replace Mirelurk Kings.)

Softshell Mirelurk: Replaced by Young Gulper
Name: Young Gulper
Stats: Same as vanilla Softshell Mirelurk
Loot: Same as vanilla Softshell Mirelurk

Mirelurk: Replaced by standard Gulper
Name: Gulper
Stats: Same as vanilla Mirelurk
Loot: Same as vanilla Mirelurk

Mirelurk Razorclaw: Replaced by standard Gulper
Name: Gulper Razorfang
Stats: Same as vanilla Mirelurk Razorclaw
Loot: Same as vanilla Mirelurk Razorclaw

Glowing Mirelurk: Replaced by Glowing Gulper
Name: Glowing Gulper
Stats: Same as vanilla Glowing Mirelurk
Loot: Same as vanilla Glowing Mirelurk

Nukalurk: Replaced by Glowing Gulper
Name: Nuka Gulper
Stats: Same as vanilla Glowing Mirelurk
Loot: Same as vanilla Glowing Mirelurk
(Note making these ones glow blue instead of green would be great! Optional.)

Bloodrage Mirelurk: Replaced by Gulper Devourer
Name: Bloodrage Gulper
Stats: Same as vanilla Bloodrage Mirelurk
Loot: Same as vanilla Bloodrage Mirelurk

Mirelurk Hunter: Replaced by standard Angler
Name: Angler
Stats: Same as vanilla Mirelurk Hunter
Loot: Same as vanilla Mirelurk Hunter

Glowing Mirelurk Hunter:
Nukalurk Hunter: Replaced by Glowing Angler
Name: Glowing Angler
Stats: Same as vanilla Glowing Mirelurk Hunter
Loot: Same as vanilla Glowing Mirelurk Hunter

Albino Mirelurk Hunter: Replaced by Albino Angler
Name: Albino Angler
Stats: Same as vanilla Albino Mirelurk Hunter
Loot: Same as vanilla Albino Mirelurk Hunter

Nukalurk Hunter: Replaced by Glowing Angler
Name: Nuka Angler
Stats: Same as vanilla Glowing Mirelurk Hunter
Loot: Same as vanilla Glowing Mirelurk Hunter
(Again, blue glow - but only if you want to!)

Mirelurk Queen: Replaced by Venomous Angler
Name: Royal Angler
Stats: Same as vanilla Mirelurk Queen
Loot: Same as vanilla Mirelurk Queen
(Note: The reason I chose these guys is because they too, have a animation of them hiding and popping out of the water that would work very well for a Mirelurk Queen replacement. No weird issue of them sticking out of the water while they are 'hidden'. Hopefully.)

Nukalurk Queen: Replaced by Glowing Angler
Name: Royal Nuka Angler
Stats: Same as vanilla Mirelurk Queen
Loot: Same as vanilla Mirelurk Queen
(As always, the optional option of making this version glow blue is there.)
Fog Cralwers (Replaced by Gatorclaws)
(Note: This also should be applied to the unique named Fog Cralwer, Shipbreaker.)

Fog Crawler: Replaced by Standard Gatorclaw
Name: Gatorclaw
Stats: Same as vanilla Fog Crawler
Loot: Same as vanilla Fog Crawler

Ghostly Fog Crawler: Replaced by Albino Gatorclaw
Name: Ghastly Gatorclaw
Stats: Same as vanilla Ghostly Fog Crawler
Loot: Same as vanilla Ghostly Fog Crawler

Glowing Fog Crawler: Replaced by Standard Gatorclaw
Name: Glowing Gatorclaw
Stats: Same as vanilla Glowing Fog Crawler
Loot: Same as vanilla Glowing Fog Crawler
(Make this one glow if you can - optional.)

Skulking Fog Cralwer: Replaced by standard Gatorclaw
Name: Skulking Gatorclaw
Stats: Same as vanilla Skulking Fog Crawler
Loot: Same as vanilla Skukling Fog Crawler

Pale Fog Crawler: Replaced by Albino Gatorclaw
Name: Pale Gatorclaw
Stats: Same as vanilla Pale Fog Crawler
Loot: Same as vanilla Pale Fog Crawler

Enraged Fog Cralwer: Replaced by standard Gatorclaw
Name: Enraged Gatorclaw
Stats: Same as vanilla Enraged Fog Crawler
Loot: Same as vanilla Enraged Fog Crawler
Hermit Crabs (Replaced by Super Mutant Behemoths)
(Note: This should aslo remove the hatchlings as well - if it doesn't, I would hope there is a way to make it work.)

Hermit Crab: Replaced by standard Super Mutant Behemoth
Name: Behemoth
Stats: Same as vanilla Hermit Crab
Loot: Same as vanilla Hermit Crab

Giant Hermit Crab: Replaced by standard Super Mutant Behemoth
Name: Enraged Behemoth
Stats: Same as vanilla Giant Hermit Crab
Loot: Same as vanilla Giant Hermit Crab

Alpha Hermit Crab: Replaced by Epic Behemoth
Name: Alpha Behemoth
Stats: Same as vanilla Alpha Hermit Crab
Loot: Same as vanilla Alpha Hermit Crab

Glowing Hermit Crab: Replaced by Glowing Behemoth
Name: Glowing Behemoth
Stats: Same as vanilla Glowing Hermit Crab
Loot: Same as vanilla Glowing Hermit Crab

Savage Hermit Crab: Replaced by Ancient Behemoth
Name: Savage Behemoth
Stats: Same as vanilla Savage Hermit Crab
Loot: Same as vanilla Savage Hermit Crab

Albino Hermit Crab: Replaced by Ancient Behemoth
Name: Ancient Behemoth
Stats: Same as vanilla Albino Hermit Crab
Loot: Same as vanilla Albino Hermit Crab
(Note: If you are willing to give this one white skin and red eyes, then name it Albino Behemoth!)
Ants (Replaced by Mongrels)

Small Forager Ant: Replaced by Wild Mongrel
Name: Malnourished Wild Mongrel
Stats: Same as vanilla Small Forager Ant
Loot: Same as vanilla Small Forager Ant

Small Soldier Ant: Replaced by Vicious Mongrel
Name: Malnourished Vicious Mongrel
Stats: Same as vanilla Small Soldier Ant
Loot: Same as vanilla Small Soldier Ant

Small Glowing Ant: Replaced by Glowing Mongrel
Name: Malnourished Glowing Mongrel
Stats: Same as vanilla Small Glowing Ant
Loot: Same as vanilla Small Glowing Ant
Forager Ant: Replaced by Wild Mongrel
Name: Wild Mongrel
Stats: Same as vanilla Forager Ant
Loot: Same as vanilla Forager Ant

Soldier Ant: Replaced by Vicious Mongrel
Name: Vicious Mongrel
Stats: Same as vanilla Soldier Ant
Loot: Same as vanilla Soldier Ant

Glowing Ant: Replaced by Glowing Mongrel
Name: Glowing Mongrel
Stats: Same as vanilla Glowing Ant
Loot: Same as vanilla Glowing Ant
Overgrown Forager Ant: Replaced by Wild Mongrel
Name: Frenzied Wild Mongrel
Stats: Same as vanilla Overgrown Forager Ant
Loot: Same as vanilla Overgrown Forager Ant

Overgrown Soldier Ant: Replaced by Vicious Mongrel
Name: Frenzied Vicious Mongrel
Stats: Same as vanilla Overgrown Soldier Ant
Loot: Same as vanilla Overgrown Soldier Ant

Overgrown Glowing Ant: Replaced by Glowing Mongrel
Name: Frenzied Glowing Mongrel
Stats: Same as vanilla Overgrown Glowing Ant
Loot: Same as vanilla Overgrown Glowing Ant
Flying Ant Swarm: Replaced by Feral Mongrel
Name: Feral Mongrel
Stats: Same as vanilla Flying Ant Swarm
Loot: Same as vanilla Flying Ant Swarm

Flying Soldier Ant Swarm: Replaced by Rabid Mongrel
Name: Rabid Mongrel
Stats: Same as vanilla Flying Soldier Ant Swarm
Loot: Same as vanilla Flying Soldier Ant Swarm

Flying Glowing Ant Swarm: Replaced by Glowing Mongrel
Name: Glowing Mongrel
Stats: Same as vanilla Flying Glowing Ant Swarm
Loot: Same as vanilla Flying Glowing Ant Swarm
Cave Crickets (Replaced by Yao Guais)

Cave Cricket: Replaced by standard Yao Guai
Name: Cave Yao Guai
Stats: Same as vanilla Cave Cricket
Loot: Same as vanilla Cave Cricket

Cave Cricket Hunter: Replaced by Shaggy Yao Guai
Name: Cave Yao Guai Hunter
Stats: Same as vanilla Cave Cricket Hunter
Loot: Same as vanilla Cave Cricket Hunter

Cave Cricket Piercer: Replaced by Rabid Yao Guai
Name: Cave Yao Guai Shredder
Stats: Same as vanilla Cave Cricket Piercer
Loot: Same as vanilla Cave Cricket Piercer

Glowing Cave Cricket: Replaced by Irradiated Yao Guai
Name: Glowing Cave Yao Guai
Stats: Same as vanilla Glowing Cave Cricket
Loot: Same as vanilla Glowing Cave Cricket

Edited by rockingsoul1613
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I will be willing to pay $50 for a fully completed product. Payment information and details will be discussed when the mod is finished.

You may be willing but it's not allowed.


From the ToS

We allow tactful and mild discussion of donations and links to your own external donation services provided that the above and below rules on donations are adhered to. Whether discussed on Nexus Mods or elsewhere, you cannot:

  • Charge any money for your mods at any time.
  • Charge any money for "additional files" attached to your mods. For example, you cannot charge anyone for "HD" versions or patches of your mods that non-paying users cannot access.
  • Discuss or link to places where you do discuss a charge for "stretch goals" directly related to a mod once your donations reach a certain figure (e.g. "I'll add an additional wing to my castle mod if I reach $100 in donations"). Discussion of stretch goals unrelated to the actual mods themselves is fine (e.g. "I'll release video tutorials on how I made my mod if I reach $100 in donations").

  • Do not upload files that require users to pay any sort of financial sum for parts or all of your file. You cannot charge money for the files you upload to Nexus sites.

While that is in the other direction, I believe it is looked upon the same.

Edited by Niborino9409
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