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Long load time when going to the wilderness and black screen


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Reinstall the game with the change to windows 10 and I added the mods. Everything went well until I had to leave a room. The screen stays black, only with the load icon at the bottom right, and it takes about 30 seconds to load. However when I start the game or when I load a savegame it takes less than 5 seconds. My computer is very powerful. i7 sixth generation, Gforce 960, 16GB RAM, SSD etc.

Previously I had it installed in an HHD and I moved it to the SSD but it remains the same.

I have several profiles / characters and it happens to me in all of them. Even in the one I have with saved games from the previous year when I was on windows 10

I have tried to uninstall all the mod but it remains the same. I would like to know if I can do something else before deleting and reinstalling everything, and above all that it is not so that the same thing happens to me again.

Edited by Nucleorion
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