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FROST Black Terain Bug Fix


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I think i have a method to fix the black terrain bug that crops up in FROST, but I'm not sure why this happens in the first place:




Seems like Bethesda broke their own 6 textures per quadrant rule:




What i can't figure out is why this is only an issue in FROST.


I've loaded FROST without its texture files and the bug persists. If load my game without FROST, the black textures are gone. Vanilla or replacement textures, the bug doesn't appear without FROST. So NOT a texture issue correct?


Is it possible that by editing the cell's contents, FROST breaks sth (like a precombine maybe) which in turn breaks whatever magic Bethesda applied to get seven textures to load in a quadrant without issue?


This is 0000DFCD if you're playing at home.

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What a bizarre issue. That 6 texture rule is a Pita. I don't see how it's a precombined though, does Frost even have an ESP that touches these cells?
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It does. FROST touches a lot of cells...mainly for minor things like swapping out one type of static for another:




so we know the precombine is broken, correct? Why does that result in these texture bugs tho? Again, that seventh texture is vanilla, put there by Bethesda, not a mod.


Also bizarre is what happens when I replace the least used (seventh) texture with another one from the quadrant (now we have six textures there):




things like VNML -Vertex Normals and VTXT - Alpha Layer Data records get changed when the CC (its the new one argh!) saves the landscape changes to a new ESP.


I'm sort of out of my depth here, but why does swapping a texture change these records?


The fix from here is to swap the original VNML data into the new plugin's record:




The only place this bug appears (i think) is in a cell with seven textures in a quad AND one that FROST touches. Going to have to hunt them down one by one.

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You might want to ask naugrim04 about it. He might have some insight. I know the black texture patches are something he's been addressing in his updates. I've noticed a dramatic decrease in places I see them in v.41. Haven't played .5 so I can say anything for that newer version.


FWIW, I've seen this happen in one location in the vanilla game. There is a small brick foot bridge near Weatherby Savings & Loan that has a black patch under one if the bridge arches. Originally saw it in FROST, but it's clear as day in the vanilla game, especially flying over the location in a vertibird.

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Sent Naugrim a note asking about this.


Going to hunt down that vanilla issue and see if my fix doesn't work there too. Thanks!

I'm fairly certain it was in that area...I know I wasn't too far from Bunker Hill. Next time I'm in game I'll try and remember to go over there and get a screenshot.


EDIT: Here ya go. Had to go and test something I'm working on and took a side trip. Glad I did...it wasn't a brick foot bridge at all. WTF was I smoking. :wacko:


From Weatherby Savings and Loan, head to the bridge that goes towards Country Crossing. Turn left before you get to the bridge. This house is on the far side of the river inlet.





Edited by RedRocketTV
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So I couldn't fix the bug near the USS Constitution. There are three quads there with seven landscape textures, but replacing them and then editing the vertex normal record in the new plugin didn't work.


I even intentionally broke the precombine and still no luck. There's an obvious landscape texture problem there but i'm not sure why my fix didn't work.


Going to give it a fresh go later on. gah.

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oh snap! I fixed it.





I removed some statics to purposely break precombine, replaced the extraneous landscape textures with ones already in the quad, and then removed a few NULL landscape alpha textures in FO4Edit.




1. Not a FROST bug, correct? I think we already proved that, but this is more confirmation.

2. What does this mean as far as UFO4P goes? Safe to say seven texture quads exist and could be plentiful.


Here's the plugin if anyone is interested: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0usmt8hyxoangf5/ussc-black-terrain-fix.7z

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