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New Design - Sorting the Download History


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I miss the buttons that used to exist in the older format, the ones similar to those in the Tracking Center. Instead, for sorting, all I have in my download history is the ability to click on the column headers. Still works, but from a GUI preference, it feels messier than the drop down menus.

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Hey guys,


We've literally rolled out the search/sort changes to your Download History today. If you have feedback let me know.


We are already working on fixing the sorting bugs mentioned here :thumbsup:

Well, there's a few oddities since a couple of days. Every time I now have a look at Download History (both an individual game or all games after first going to my profile) I have to wait a few seconds while I get a text about the Nexus sorting things, but, what's annoying is that all the latest downloads that we had downloaded before, again show up as if never endorsed (grey thumbs-up icon) and we don't get the timer anymore that says how long we have to wait before we can endorse...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Can we get the history sorted by date of download? That would be very helpful so I can re-download the mods in their proper order. Thanks!

They're already sorted by date last downloaded by default (Last DL column). Unless you mean sorted by date first downloaded, which I guess could be useful.

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  • 10 months later...

An early post indicated it would be nice to remove items from the history. I didn't see anything like this yet but it would be nice. I download some things just to get a better idea of what it is and there are many I'd rather forget, or somehow mark as "don't want it!", without necessarily giving it a bad rating (sometimes I just don't want it).

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drcreate- There's a function that lets you avoid rating a mod that you've downloaded.

And those don't show up on the mod's public statistics.

But because some of the feedback such as endorsements and votes do manage how the system rates the mods, if that was also incorporated in, people could troll other modder's work, to either put their own mods higher into the rankings, or to try to keep a mod from getting good recognition because it hurts their "feels".

Nexus really tries to protect authors from a lot of negativity.


Meh. It's way too far past my bedtime for me to try to post that coherently. I hope you understand what I mean. I'm not trying to say it's a bad idea or anything like that. It's just.... the site really does try hard to keep authors from being abused. And it's not like other site's members don't do that, with anything and everything that isn't seen as positive.

Edited by StormWolf01
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