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Predator-Yautja player home


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i want to request a Predator-yautja player home, it doesnt need to be big or super detailed, iattached some pics for inspiration and here's a description:


The entrance should be justan average cave entrance, next a tunel with the 1990 predator textures on it, and next a rounded igloo type of vault with the predator ship textures on it.


The vault should contain:

-a wall full of those weapon racks but for skulls from this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77899/?


-alchemy station, cooking station, tanningrack


-a redish lighting


-a smaller vault in the bottom with the same feature as avobe but for predator masks from here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24543/?


Here are pictures of the original 1990 ship:




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