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MonMusu Replacer


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I know I'll probably get the usual glut of haters, but I've spent literally six hours trying and, since I can't read Moon Runes, I can't search the Japanese sites. I have just a very simple desire. A mod that replaces all of the Khajiit and Argonian characters (At the very least the female ones, the male ones are optional) with more Monster Girl styled characters, i.e. anime style catgirls and lizardgirls. And I have had a hell of a time trying to find a mod that does that. At best I've found mods that give the player such a race, but I want a mod that replaces the OTHER characters in the game with those.


And yes, I know it's a huge undertaking since Skyrim has hundreds (At least, maybe more) of Khajiit and Argonian characters.


But I'm just tired of so many of the characters in the game looking butt ugly. If I had any artistic or modding talent myself I'd just go ahead and do it, but I don't so I can't.


Basically something akin to this for Argonian:



And this for Khajiit:



And again, I'm prepared for anime-haters this will doubtlessly attract.

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