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Pre-Decorated Version of Eli's Breezehome Player Home.


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I love the Breezehome player home https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2829?tab=description but I think it could be improved. The creator of the mod seems like a jerk so I have no plans to ask them to do this.


The player home features many display areas to place unique objects like Dragon Priest masks, Dragon Claws, Deadric Artifacts, etc. The problem with these is that that they are objects with physics. Whenever this player home is fully decorated with these objects, they tend to have problems. For instance, the objects frequently FALL OFF their displays. It is very frustrating. Another problem is the mannequins, because mannequins are buggy and terrible no matter what. (Yes I have tried the "Mannequins Stay Put" mod but it doesn't work.)


A fix for this would be replacing all the displays with TEXTURES that look like the objects meant to be placed there. A fix for the mannequins would be removing them or replacing them with fixed statues.

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