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Slog ghoul only


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Is there a way to make all the settlers who appear at the slog ghoul only

Right now im sending all non-ghouls to other places and vice versa

I know the whole point of the slog is they dont discriminate, but it seems like the only place that is a safe space for ghouls shouldnt be so full of non-ghouls thats theres no place for ghouls.
You wouldnt allow a man into a battered womens shelter, same thought with the slog.

Until this is a thing, im going to keep micromanaging. I just wish I didnt have to

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You can console command them in with a little work.


1. Make a save.

2. console command "player.placeatme 20593 1" and spawn a settler.

3. If it is a ghoul activate it and hit move. Now move it to the Slog (which you should be in when you do this).

4. It will ask you to confirm and just do that and you will see the Slog settler count go up by one.

5. if you do this and get a non ghoul settler just load the save and do it again.

6. Boring but it will let you customize the settlers you want.


Good luck.

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