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Friendly Fire despite 100% Spellresistance


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i was busy gathering all the parts for a 100% spell resi tank (and finally get him in the frontline despite throwing some AoE spells in the crowd)

as i noticed that all the spell resistance isnt worth a single sovereign. All friendly spells just went through my tanks spell resi like a frozen butter block through a molten knife ...or something like that :|


As i asked the allmighty google for an answer why things are as how they are i had to find out:

Spellresistance got completly removed from friendly fire as of version 1.03 for the pc atleast .....awww man :(


Now i have found this mod "JX - Dragon Age Extended" which included a "universal spellresistance" mod.


Somebody know how i can extract only that part from the mod?

(allready asked in the "post" section of this mod but it got last updated around 2014 and i dont know if its still supported)

Or somebody has another mod doing exactly just that spell resi thing?



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