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[LE] Make NPC Unequip/Equip Outfit through Dialogue and Scripts


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Hi. I need help with a very simple quest. I am sure a lot of people know how to do this, but I can't seem to find any tutorials or information about it anywhere.


I am trying to make a quest dialogue that can make the NPC give the player their (equipped) equipment and/or switch to a different outfit.


I have read tutorials saying that I have to use quest aliases to "create reference to object", then I set it to "create in" the NPC. Then I have to use script fragments to "RemoveItem" and then transfer the item to the player. But this method creates the item/equipment in the NPC's inventory first, which is not what I am trying to do.


I want to take the equipment that is ALREADY equipped by the NPC to begin with. I want to be able to change the Outfit (I mean the CK outfit set; the one that does not appear in the NPC inventory in game).


EDIT: Sorry, I got it now. It turns out, the problem was that I was using GetReference() for actors in my script instead of GetActorReference(). Didn't know that until recently.

Edited by neutral427
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