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Instead finding all a building's loot in a single special container at the end?


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Like a treasure chest.

It's super tedious to me to have to search every container and body in an area or building a really slows the game down. I would rather there were some single visibly awesome container at its deepest/farthest/most difficult spot (the "end" of the area) that contained all those items, weapons, caps, etc. Then I'd only have to deal with one container per area, and I'd still have to earn all the loot by reaching that area/boss character's body. It would be the opposite of op because I wouldn't be able to find and use useful items in a building as I explore and would have to wait. I'm FINE with that.


for example:
Perhaps upon entering a building, the game gather's all the container loot and stores it instead in this "final" chest/boss body. Perhaps killing enemies does the same, but if you check a body before reaching the final container, maybe it disconnects that body from the gather process, avoiding duplicates. or something.

If loot is dynamically-generated upon opening a container, I'd even settle for the game keeping those containers empty, and just generating a substantially-reduced amount of "expected/similar" loot upon finding the "treasure" container at the end of the area.

PS. When the game came out I really hoped you could just tell your companions "go find all caps stored in this room/area/building" and they'd just do it. I call the sin of having to spend more time searching containers than playing the game, "Dumpster Diving," and it really cramps the game for me.

Anyway, if someone made this mod to reduce scavenging tedium, my life would be amazing.

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