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Another mod cleaning question!


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Thanks to everyone who have been so helpful with my past questions! I think I understand cleaning a little bit better, but I have another question.


I have noticed mods that say they have been thoroughly cleaned with Enchanted Editor. I still havenât learned how to use that tool.


However, when I clean these mods with TESTool, with the 2 boxes in the upper left corner checked (canât remember what they are, but I always leave them checked - I think about making another copy or retaining the name of the ESP) & the Restricted Dialog Cleaning box checked, I am noticing that some things (objects) are being removed. Such as Misc Items Entries, Static Entries, Door Entries, Cell Entries, etc.


I think these are duplicate entries that arenât needed, but I was hoping to confirm that.


Also, when I check my Warnings text file, there are a few entries about things that have more than one instance, duplicates maybe? I think this means that I have some mods that add duplicate things that could be removed in cleaning, but maybe not.


I am going back over all my mods, examining the contents of the ESP with TESPCD, cleaning with TESTool (unless the mod description specifically says not to), and then checking the contents again to see what has been removed, assuming TESTool says something was removed.


I guess I am wondering if these things should have been removed when cleaning with Enchanted Editor or if I shouldnât be removing them with TESTool.


Sorry if I am just being dense on this issue. Although looking at the contents of the ESP seems to help me understand what is going on a bit better.



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If someone says they've cleaned a mod with EE (or TESAME, or...) it means they've gone through and manually removed the records they know are dirty. Chances are mods with that message won't have evil GMSTs. Chances are though TESTool or tes3cmd will still find "dirty" records, those which are the same as the base game's or the CELL AMBI and WHGT subrecords and what have you.


"when I check my Warnings text file, there are a few entries about things that have more than one instance, duplicates maybe?"

An example of one of these error messages would be useful.


IMO, most (arguably all) warnings not to clean with TESTool / tes3cmd are bogus from people who don't understand what's going on. But, erring on the side of caution isn't a bad thing.


And you do know about TESTool.log? It's a text file showing what the tool did on its last run,

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Hi, Dragon32. Thanks for the response. Here is what I always see in my Warnings Text doc. I asked about this when I was having game breaking warnings and I think I was told that they were just duplicate records.


Texture "Data Files\textures\steel_ref\b_A_Steel_helmet02_gm.dds" count 3.
Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\glass_ref.dds" count 3.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\menu_thin_border_bottom.dds" count 2.


Also, I just checked the TESTool log. I have been meaning to do that, but for some reason I thought it was an option within TESTool itself and not a separate text doc. Here is what it shows from the last ESP I cleaned.


File: Lucky Lockup Apartment.esp
deleted DOOR Ex_imp_loaddoor_02
deleted DOOR hlaal_loaddoor_01
deleted DOOR hlaalu_loaddoor_ 02
deleted DOOR in_hlaalu_loaddoor_01
deleted DOOR ex_h_trapdoor_01
deleted DOOR in_h_trapdoor_01
deleted STAT ex_hlaalu_bridge_01
deleted STAT ex_hlaalu_canal_01
deleted STAT ex_hlaalu_b_15
deleted STAT ex_hlaalu_dsteps_01
deleted STAT ex_hlaalu_pole_01
deleted STAT ex_hlaalu_bridge_05
deleted STAT ex_hlaalu_win_01
deleted STAT ex_hlaalu_buttress_03
deleted STAT ex_hlaalu_bridge_06
deleted STAT ex_hlaalu_wall_01
deleted STAT ex_hlaalu_buttress_04
deleted CONT de_r_closet_01
deleted MISC misc_uni_pillow_01
CELL -2 -2, Balmora
CELL -3 -2, Balmora
CELL -3 -3, Balmora
CELL Balmora, Lucky Lockup Apartment
Saved: Lucky Lockup Apartment.esp

And the boxes I have checked in TESTool now are "Don't change plugin filenames", "Retain file time, when cleaning", and "Restricted dialog cleaning". I have a backup copy of my mod download zips and the extracted contents so I'm not worried about changing the ESP files. I always have the original backup in archive folders.


Thanks again for your responses and for helping everyone who posts questions here!

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Texture "Data Files\textures\steel_ref\b_A_Steel_helmet02_gm.dds" count 3.

Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3.

Texture "Data Files\Textures\glass_ref.dds" count 3.

Texture "Data Files\Textures\menu_thin_border_bottom.dds" count 2.


According to hrnchamd, who'd know, those errors are generated when Morrowind is closing down. It is a list of textures that haven't been cleaned up correctly by the engine, along with the number of loose references remaining.

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