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Does creature/monster's attack damage increase with its level?


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I'm looking to make a custom wolf familiar that'll have the wolf spirit increase in level as the player increases in level. I've figured out how to get the wolf's health, stamina, and magicka to level up with the player, but I've been unable to find out how to get the wolf's attack damage to increase with the player's level. As well as health and stamina, I want his attack damage to scale. Thus my question: do creature's attack damage scale with the player's level and if so where in the CK do I look?


Also why do wolves get skill points. What does points in One-Handed do for wolves? Wolf melee attacks are unarmed attacks and everything I've read says one-handed doesn't benefit unarmed attacks.

Edited by ryanthevampire
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You would need to use a perk, which can only be placed on the actor form(addperk don't work on NPCs). The perk can be set to change attributes based on priority/rank and if a condition is met, like player level. Experiment with it.


Actors in general don't really get stronger from leveling - they get stronger based on the difficulty setting. Otherwise, they just feel stronger due to taking forever to bring down their overly bloated HP.

Edited by Rasikko
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