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MotB Passage to Thay quest bug


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Hi everyone!


I recently had the urge to play this game but i seem to encounter a bug.

(Spoilers below)


I'm in ACT II when we go to the Thayan Academy, and when we entered and talk to Master Djafi, the quest entry "Passage to Thay", supposedly, get's completed, but in my case, it wasn't.

I reloaded the autosave before entering, and the same thing happened again, no matter what conversation choices i picked with Master Djafi, so it seems i have a quest wich doesn't update/broken.

Forntunatly it didn't break the game, i was able to reach the part where we speak to Myrkul.

I was trying to use a console command to force complete this journal entry but i can't seem to find the correct script (or putting together correctly the words to run the proper script) to update it, and in this is where i need your help because i really suck at this :p


Anyway, i was messing with the Toolset and i was able to find the id of this quest (q90_passage_to_thay) and the completed the entry seems to be 900, acording to the devs comments and their programming.


Giving the xp reward i could find, but it's just the stupid entry that i can't :(.


Can someone help me with this please please please? :)


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This is how you advance a quest in the journal. Enter this in the console, after enabling debug mode:


rs ga_journal("q90_passage_to_thay",900,1,1,1)


If that's the only thing the developers did when the quest is completed (which ideally it is), then it should work. But if they did anything else, like setting any custom global variables that they decide to check later instead of just checking the journal status, there could be problems.

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