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New Vegas Railroad Idea


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This isn't necessarily a request at all, in fact I'm not asking anyone to create this, as it would be a lot of time and effort realizing someone else's dream idea. It's more of a rough outline of a mod I've had more or less fleshed out in my mind for quite a while now, and unfortunately modding is not something I'm skilled in, if this is in the wrong forum, I apologize. Anyways, it's very heavily inspired by the AMC show Hell on wheels, based on the building of the transcontinental Railroad. The premise of the mod is that the courier would stumble onto an NCR railroad town that is recruiting locals to help build a railroad that loops around northern Nevada through Utah in order to bypass legion territory. (This town would be temporary, and move as the railroad progresses.)The actual locations might need to be changed slightly in order to make sense logically, but I wanted it to be close enough to legion territory to include them as a threat. The mod would function similarly to the Rockwell pursuit, although each location would be more fleshed out. The town would follow the construction of the railroad, and it would have a good amount of well fleshed out characters with their own motivations and backstories, some characters would include a radical preacher , a prostitute, a brother and sister in charge of a small mercenary group, as well as others. There'd also be several groups you could interact with:

  • Overseers: Men and women tasked with overseeing the workers on the railroad. They patrol the rail lines and keep the workers in line. Some of them let the power go to their heads and are especially cruel to ghouls and powder gangers.
  • Powder Gangers: obviously the base game states that the NCR had the convicts at the NCRCF doing work on railroads. This would be a sizeable detachment of cons that weren't present during the prison break. Many of them would be volatile and inspired by the breakout, looking for a way out.
  • Ghouls: A large number of ghouls looking for work after facing discrimination ended up working the railroad. There would be bad blood between some of them and humans, mirroring the treatment of African Americans and the Chinese during the building of the transcontinental railroad.
  • Phoenix Company: A mercenary group with the symbol of a phoenix led by the opportunistic brother and sister Wilson and Amber, these mercs were hired to provide security for the railroad. The player would have the chance to do jobs for them and even join them.

Enemy groups would include

  • Legion: While this would primarily be an NCR based mod where the player would end up fighting the legion, they would also have the option of sabotaging the town from the inside. As the player gets closer to Arizona, the legion would have an increased presence, and ultimately would end up having to have a limited time in order to allocate resources, train the workers and townsfolk, and set up defenses before defending against a huge onslaught from the legion, where almost nobody is safe, and not everyone will survive. The player would have to make hard decisions on who to back up and whether or not it is a battle worth fighting.
  • Tribals: The non-legion occupied areas of the mod would have a few Tribes that would end up trying to pillage the town, the player would have a few quests involving these, and even a chance for diplomacy for the more sensible tribes. Diplomacy would require high speech, barter, and/or intelligence. The less diplomatic route would involve trekking through unfamiliar territory with several ambushes as well as dangerous wildlife to find the tribals and eliminate them.
  • Raiders: Not to be confused with tribals, there would be a group of mad max style raiders that would try to extort the town for their resources, the player would also have a few ways of handling this.

In addition to enemies, there would be a few other threats the player would encounter

  • Disease: There would be a section where many of the townsfolk start falling ill to a bad sickness, The player would have to go into the wastes to find medicine to treat it, as well as a new source of drinking water.
  • Lack of Resources: The player will need to go on an expedition with a select group to find food
  • Internal conflicts: Worker revolts, a murderer, demoralization, etc.

The player would also have the opportunity to do several jobs (These would have their own set of quests and the player would be able to do several at the same time, although some options would be locked.)

  • Railroad worker: The player would help build the railroad directly, blast through tunnels, gather resources, and grow closer to their fellow workers.
  • Overseer: The player could instead join the overseers and help direct the work, solve internal issues, stop potential revolts, etc.
  • Security/Sheriff: The player would take jobs that involve protecting the town, solving murders, and keeping the peace.

There would be several miscellaneous quests as well

  • Doing work for the different businesses in town, such as the bar, general store, brothel, etc.
  • Possible (optional) romance subplot
  • Quests involving the church and their radicalization.
  • Quests for named characters in the different factions.

Maybe I'll teach myself to do it one day, but if anyone's interested in working on it, you're free to do so. Currently my only skill is as a writer and dreamer.

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