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[LE] Dwarven Automaton niNode/effectShader problem

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While working in the CK on another part of my mod, I think I've found the answer to this issue..

and that is, there is no fix/trick... but someone please chime in if I'm wrong.


I see that in the Race window, there is a Preview toggle for Full and Head nifs for each race.

humanoid creatures show a Head preview but others like animals, my automatons, etc.. don't, it just gets stuck showing "Updating...".


So I guess that's that for now.

But as they say "It's not a bug, it's a feature." and I've already figured out how to turn my problem in to just that!


[uPDATE] Thanks David, I WAS right, you can't fix what works as intended!

Edited by theFuzzyWarble
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If you don't mind -- I'm actually curious as to how you got an EffectShader to only apply to a human's head, because I don't see anything in the EffectShader data that would allow you to specify that.


As for the difference between humans and Dwemer robots, the former use morphable/customizable FaceGen heads, specifically. I think the "Head" option in the Actor window is meant to preview those, not just any head.

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I'm still figuring stuff out as I go..


I didn't... but what I figured out is, don't write posts when you've exhausted having been up for over 30 hours ..

I'm so embarrassed right now to even figure out how I screwed the pooch on this post!


This post was intended to be about niNode targeting with the PlayImpactEffect function actually and an effect not firing on the automatons but firing on humans.

I don't know how I didn't catch my insane mix up even while replying to my own post@#!

I'll just blame it on lack of sleep and having an accidental win at 2am while simultaneously working out the mods separate issue with a shader implementation on the automatons.


I will edit the original posts and let's not speak of this to no one David :ermm: :facepalm:

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