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The Hope of the Redoran


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Hi all, just an inquiry to those more knowledgeable than myself;

In the skill book "The Hope of the Redoran"


it talks about Athyn Sarethi becoming old enough to take his seat in the council of House Redoran.

It is said that his cousin and rival was born "many, many years ago" and that the Redguard Shardie taught Athyn the skills he needed to defeat his cousin in combat and take the council seat.

In the game, Athyn Sarethi appears to be a very old man, and Shardie a young woman. Now I've heard that "black don't crack" but I have also heard that Dunmer live for hundreds of years...





So I am wondering, at what age does one first become old enough to get a council seat in House Redoran?

How quickly do Dark Elves first appear old? (do they appear to age as quickly as we do and then stop?)

Is there something special about Shardie?

Was this just an oversight on the developer's part?

Working on a face replacer and wondering if I should change their respective faces, Shardie into an old woman and Athyn to a young man (and Varvur into a teen). I would check through dialogue to make sure there is no reference to Athyn being old unless you guys know otherwise?


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