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Can't get script to add perk


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I'm trying to make a simple script which adds a custom perk to the player.

Scriptname aaaChumExhaustionScript extends Quest

perk property _ChumExhaustionPerk Auto

Event OnInit()
    Debug.Notification("Loading C.H.U.M. Exhaustion...")
    Debug.Notification("C.H.U.M. Exhaustion is up and running")

I attached this script to a quest. The script runs - I get the messages, but the player doesn't receive the perk.


I followed all the guides I could find online on this and related topics, and I am completely certain the name of the perk is correct.


Edit: forgot to mention this applies in both LE and SE.


Edit: This also doesn't work:

Scriptname aaaChumExhaustionScript extends Quest

Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
Perk Property _ChumExhaustionPerk Auto

Event OnInit()
	Debug.Notification("Loading C.H.U.M. Exhaustion...")
    Debug.Notification("C.H.U.M. Exhaustion is up and running")
Edited by ColdHarmonics
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