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Some Quest/scripting advice.

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If the ReferenceAliases are pointing to the objects, then I have no clear idea why the variable is coming back as none.


Yeah its getting annoying I want this to work so I can move forwards!


I'm gonna keep trying. Btw I use a xmarker should I be using a xmakerheading?

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Try testing the validity of all your aliases outside of the pod function and not assigned to any local variable. This is to determine if the issue lies with the pod function.


Also don't get discouraged. Testing is a huge track stopper, but necessary evil. Hang in there.

Edited by Rasikko
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In short Getrefrence() is not working with ReferenceAlias it's returning None.


but I put in some notifications like you said and it says they contain ReferenceAlias but with a [ "[ReferenceAlias"

I have no idea whats going off...

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In short Getrefrence() is not working with ReferenceAlias it's returning None.


but I put in some notifications like you said and it says they contain ReferenceAlias but with a [ "[ReferenceAlias"

I have no idea whats going off...

The issue is most likely that your ReferenceAliases are not pointing to anything for some reason, otherwise GetReference() would be returning something.

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Okay well, the code is running, I managed to get Ontranslatecompleted to run after playing about and copying from UFO script.

I've seen the code for the sound I could experiment with, but not for adding an FX I have no clue here?

Also, I have no idea why but the translation is jumping into place without moving...I've even tried SplineTranslateToRef it also does the same (its not speed). Ugh...

Scriptname droppodfalling extends ReferenceAlias Const

Quest Property DO_sob_incomingpod_quest Auto Const
ReferenceAlias Property podswitch Auto Const
ReferenceAlias Property podtarget Auto Const
ReferenceAlias Property falling Auto Const

function pod()


       RegisterForRemoteEvent(falling.GetReference(), "OnTranslationComplete")
	falling.GetReference().SplineTranslateToRef(podtarget.GetReference(), 1250, 625)


Event onTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)

	if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()
		if DO_sob_incomingpod_quest.GetStage() > 0	


Event ObjectReference.OnTranslationComplete(ObjectReference akSender)


	Debug.Notification("TRANSLATION COMPLETED")


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