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PS4, Crysis 3, AC3+MORE!


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YAAY looks like there might be a possibility that the new Ps4 might not block used games after all, there is a chance, check this out. Officially Sony isn't the one of the worst companys lol. If the ps4 wont block used games..


Coming from the ceo boss himself





And this might be a leak that the ps4 is in the works concidering that he Mentioned that alone lol.


Also expected?? ps4 specifications ??, woo looke like they are staying with the Cell...



Edited by Thor.
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YAAY looks like there might be a possibility that the new Ps4 might not block used games after all, there is a chance, check this out. Officially Sony isn't the one of the worst companys lol. If the ps4 wont block used games..


Coming from the ceo boss himself





And this might be a leak that the ps4 is in the works concidering that he Mentioned that alone lol.


Also expected?? ps4 specifications ??, woo looke like they are staying with the Cell...




The link about the used games doesn't work, that's good news though. I'm not sure about the other article, anyone who writes this obviously is a more than a little clueless.....


AMD HD 7670 clocked at 1 Ghz and has 1Gb GDDR5 VRAM.

Well this is a great GPU, once fully utilised games will look amazing, crisp and clear in 1080p and 3D, much better than today’s PC games.


The 7670 is a OEM only garbage, it's a rebranded 6670. :facepalm:

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Fingers crossed. That article is right, blocking used games doesn't mean they'll sell more new games, in fact if people can't trade in an old game and put that towards the cost of a new one they may well end up selling less. They don't seem to understand that people don't have bottomless pockets.

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i love my PS3, i truly do. i was a console gamer first, and as long as they dont do something completely idiotic with it such as getting rid of used games or require me to pay monthly (a la Xbox Live) then i will always have a console. im not saying either of those would be the end all for consoles for me, but it would certainly make me think/consider before i bought one....i really hope they keep backwards compatibility. My Ps3 is getting old. i have an original 80gb one. its like 5 years old or something. i want to be able to play my Ps3 games on my PS4. i trade in many games i get for my Ps3, but there are a select few i keep either because i could see myself playin them again, or because i thought they were so good/hold such aspecial place in my heart/nostalgic to me, that i keep them for those reason, and as such, i wanna be able to play them again someone, without having to have to keep a PS3 in my house just for that.


anyways, im in not real hurry for the next gen. i hope they take their time and work out all the kinks and come out with a solid product. and for PS3, i really hope they integrate cross game chat. it really is the only thing xbox has over Ps3 at the moment. if Ps3 gets that, then id truly have no reason to ever get an xbox :P

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AC3 Is not for the PS4.


not what the OP was saying. he was basically saying hey its recent news on such things as Ps4, AC3, Crysis 3 and more. talk about these things and others in this thread!, not that those were for the Ps4

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I used to keep up with all consoles, but I have such a hard time paying $60 a title. I would much rather pick up 5 games for that price or less on PC. The good thing about the new consoles is that their hardware is decent (modern mid-range) so the games ported to PC will look pretty nice, now if only mouse support would improve a bit :laugh: .



And hopefully PC franchises like Dragon Age and Crysis won't be ruined. Oh who are we kidding?


Crysis 3 will probably be the easiest, most linear Crysis yet with a miniscule fov, mouse acceleration, 4 graphics settings, and pop up "TAC ASSESSMENT RECOMMENDED!!!!!" every 5 minutes of gameplay. I'm hoping to be surprised, but somehow I have doubts.


Did you know? The "speed power" in Crysis 2 (sprinting) is about the same as sprinting in armor mode in Crysis 1 & Warhead? In those games speed mode actually felt like you were in a futuristic combat suit ... Crysis 2 (and probably 3) its a glorified sprint button that eats energy.

Edited by Zinthros
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